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Getting Snow To work For MP Host on Thirsk

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Hello All,

I was hoping someone might have a idea how to get the Snow effects to work on Thirsk Island for the Host in a MP mission .... its disabled by default to cure Lag. For a Small LAN game this is a real bummer. :butbut:

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

I'd like to use the Snow for MP mission making if possible

I asked "Raunhofer" for permission to alter the Script

He gave me the OK !

I tried a few things but no go yet

heres the code:

; Original code by Sentinel and edited to ARMA2 by Raunhofer. I'd like to thank Sentinel for his effort towards NIM weather addon.

_logic = _this select 0

_server = true

?(local _logic):_server = true

_lifetime = 10^5

?(count _this > 3):_lifetime = _this select 3

?((missionstart select 0) == 0):_server = true; _lifetime exec "\RHNET\Thirsk5\scripts\THIRSK_snowstormClient.sqs"; _lifetime exec "\RHNET\Thirsk5\scripts\THIRSK_snowstormSnow.sqs"

?(!_server):_lifetime exec "\RHNET\Thirsk5\scripts\THIRSK_snowstormClient.sqs"; _lifetime exec "\RHNET\Thirsk5\scripts\THIRSK_snowstormSnow.sqs"; exit

_dens = _this select 1

THIRSK_snowstormFog = 0.953

THIRSK_snowstormDens = _dens

_windspd = 15 + (random 30)

_winddir = random 360

THIRSK_snowstormWindX = _windspd * (sin _winddir)

THIRSK_snowstormWindY = _windspd * (cos _winddir)

THIRSK_snowstormWindZ = 5 - (random 10)

THIRSK_snowstormChTime = 0

?(count _this > 2):_ichTime = (_this select 1) * 60; THIRSK_snowstormChTime = _ichTime + (0.25 * _ichTime - (random (0.5* _ichTime))); _dMin = (_this select 2) select 0; _dMax = (_this select 2) select 1; THIRSK_snowstormDens = _dMin + (random (_dMax - _dMin))

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormFog"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormDens"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormChTime"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormWindX"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormWindY"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormWindZ"


?((THIRSK_snowstormChTime > 0) && (THIRSK_snowstormChTime < _time)):goto "random"

goto "wait"


THIRSK_snowstormChTime = _ichTime + (0.25 * _ichTime - (random (0.5* _ichTime))) + _time

_dens = _dMin + (random (_dMax - _dMin + 1))

THIRSK_snowstormDens = _dens - (_dens % 1)

THIRSK_snowstormFog = 0.953 - (random 0.2)

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormFog"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormDens"

publicvariable "THIRSK_snowstormChTime"



?(_time > _lifetime):exit

goto "top"

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Thanks JW

That weather effects script works pretty good

still hoping to find a fix for the Thirsk island snow effects

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Thanks JW

That weather effects script works pretty good

still hoping to find a fix for the Thirsk island snow effects

The snow script is taken from NiM and converted from sqs to sqf and edited, Thirsk is using the NiM script!

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