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Problem with directSay Command

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I got the directSay command to work but for some reason, some of the files get activated with a delay, or stop in the middle just to continue a three seconds later from the point it stopped. Very weird behavior. The first one, "Woman" works perfectly fine, but the others are messed up. Those are activated by a truck driver that picks up the team and briefs them.

I am attaching my description.ext file, if someone could take a look on it and tell me if I have done something wrong I would appreciate it.

// Mission Header
class Header
 gameType = Coop;

respawn = "GROUP";
respawnDelay = 5;
onLoadMission = "B I T T E R   M E M O R I E S   (SP / C O O P )";
OnLoadMissionTime = FALSE;
debriefing = 1;

class CfgSounds
	// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
	sounds[] = {woman,driversay11,driversay12,driversay13,dogcry};

	// Definition for each sound

	class woman
			name = "woman"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\woman.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

	class driversay1
			name = "driversay1"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay11.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

	class driversay2
			name = "driversay2"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay12.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

	class driversay3
			name = "driversay3"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay13.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};


	class dogcry
			name = "dogcry"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\dogcry.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {woman,driversay1,driversay2,driversay3};
 class RadioMsg1
  name = "woman";
   sound[] = {"\sounds\woman.ogg", 10, 1.0};
   title = "Don't go Georg! If you will go there you will not come back! Please!";

 class RadioMsg2
  name = "driversay1";
  sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay11.ogg", 10, 1.0}; // .wss implied
  title = "Did you receive the ammunition from Hallssonar? Good. Take the explosives, they are in the truck's cabin. Damn! This rain never stops!";

 class RadioMsg3
  name = "driversay2";
  sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay12.ogg", 10, 1.0}; // .wss implied
  title = "I will take you to the abandoned base, maybe there you will find some equipment that you can use. A great stench is rising from inside, I wonder what is causing it...";

  class RadioMsg4
  name = "driversay3";
  sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay13.ogg", 10, 1.0}; // .wss implied
  title = "Ok that's it. I will not go any further. Too risky. Stefanson tried to check the base. He is now hanged right by the entrance. Rupov, his dog is barking at his corpse for two days now. Good luck, and goodbye my friends, I hope I will see you all again soon.";


Edited by Variable

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you have: woman,driversay11,driversay12,driversay13,dogcry

But the classes are called: woman, driversay1, driversay2, driversay3, dogcry

Edited by SNKMAN

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you have: woman,driversay11,driversay12,driversay13,dogcry

But the classes are called: woman, driversay1, driversay2, driversay3, dogcry

Thansk for your reply SNKMAN, I don't think the sound files and the sound classes have to carry the same names. If they had to be with the same names then it wouldn't have worked at all for me. However, I did try to change it all to have the same names but it didn't solve the stuttering problem. I will attach my new code with your suggested changes at the bottom, for just in case.

I came to the conclusion that it is simply an arma 2 bug that relates to a truck environment (and maybe other vehicles? I never checked...). For more details, and a related problem with the say command see my OFPEC thread.

// Mission Header
class Header
 gameType = Coop;

respawn = "GROUP";
respawnDelay = 5;
onLoadMission = "B I T T E R   M E M O R I E S   (SP / C O O P )";
OnLoadMissionTime = FALSE;
debriefing = 1;

class CfgSounds
	// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
	sounds[] = {woman,driversay1,driversay2,driversay3,dogcry};

	// Definition for each sound

	class woman
			name = "woman"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\woman.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

	class driversay1
			name = "driversay1"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay1.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

	class driversay2
			name = "driversay2"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay2.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

	class driversay3
			name = "driversay3"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay3.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};


	class dogcry
			name = "dogcry"; // Name for mission editor
			sound[] = {"\sounds\dogcry.ogg", 20, 1.0};
			titles[] = {	};

class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {woman,driversay1,driversay2,driversay3};
 class RadioMsg1
  name = "woman";
   sound[] = {"\sounds\woman.ogg", 10, 1.0};
   title = "Don't go Georg! If you will go there you will not come back! Please!";

 class RadioMsg2
  name = "driversay1";
  sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay1.ogg", 10, 1.0}; // .wss implied
  title = "Did you receive the ammunition from Hallssonar? Good. Take the explosives, they are in the truck's cabin. Damn! This rain never stops!";

 class RadioMsg3
  name = "driversay2";
  sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay2.ogg", 10, 1.0}; // .wss implied
  title = "I will take you to the abandoned base, maybe there you will find some equipment that you can use. A great stench is rising from inside, I wonder what is causing it...";

  class RadioMsg4
  name = "driversay3";
  sound[] = {"\sounds\driversay3.ogg", 10, 1.0}; // .wss implied
  title = "Ok that's it. I will not go any further. Too risky. Stefanson tried to check the base. He is now hanged right by the entrance. Rupov, his dog, is barking at his corpse for two days now. Good luck, and goodbye my friends, I hope I will see you all again soon.";


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