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unit follow unit

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hi all,

I am creating a mission and I have a litte problem. I would like a second squad follow my team but 10 or 20 metres behind me or better on my right or left.

I've tried the Dofollowunit script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2968 but it seems it doesn't work on arma 2 (tried many times but no results).

Does someone have a solution for this ?

Thanks for your help.

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Put this in the init field of the group leader which should follow you:

[group this, 10] execVM "DoFollow.sqf";

Note: 10 is the distance in meters which will be used to make the group not move if closer then this.

If you change it to 30 for example then the group will only move if the distance is more then 30 meters.


_group = _this select 0;
_distance = _this select 1;

while { ( { (alive _x) } count (units _group) > 0) } do
      if (vehicle leader _group distance player > _distance) then
             {_x doMove (getPos player) } forEach units _group;

      sleep 5;

Edited by SNKMAN

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Thanks for your answer, I've got this error captures.png

As you can see [group this, 10] execVM "DoFollow.sqf"; is in init field of the group leader. That give a big headache :p

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Try adding a handle to the init line code:

[color="Green"]nul = [/color][group this, 10] execVM "DoFollow.sqf";

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Sorry i had changed this and forget to add the script handler.

It should be:

Follow = [group this, 10] execVM "DoFollow.sqf";

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Well i had the best experiance with the doMove command. Of course you could use doFollow as well.

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thanks all for your help now it's working perfectlly :)

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