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HOW to do AI in boat disenbark on beach?

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When I try to move to eart AI do not aproach to the beach, they get on water all time.

Another question how to know beach is aproach?

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It all depends on whether the boat is part of the group or not

If it is, a Get Out waypoint on the beach should suffice

If not, giving the boat a Transport Unload waypoint and then the men a Move waypoint next to it(which is synchronised to the transport waypoint) should do the job

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Well this is a bit tricky.

I have tryed many different way's to get this to work.

1. Surface

Check if the vehicle ( boat ) is at land position:

if !(surfaceIsWater (getPos _boat) ) then

The down side is that A.I. not always drive that far that the surface of the boad return land.

So this may will fail sometimes.

2. Speed

Check the speed of the boat:

Check if the boat is moving:

waitUntil { (speed _boat > 15) };

if (speed _boat > 15) then
      waitUntil { (speed _boat < 5) };

      {unAssignVehicle _x} forEach (crew _boat);

This sometimes is a bit tricky too. ;)

So far i could not find a 100% solution to make A.I. dismount a boat after reaching the beach.

If you or someone else know's a better solution please let me know.

Edited by SNKMAN

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