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Arma 2 Dedicated Server and Ace 2 mods problem

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I’m at my wits end and I am sorry if I come across as a grumpy old man but I have a problem and was wondering if anyone can help in the following department!

I run a rented dedicated server and I am extremely happy with it apart from the ace 2 mod and the conflicts it seems to cause on the system i.e. crashing all the time after only a short period of time!

Here is a list of what I have done to try and improve the situation;

1. Used the “equalModRequired=1;†in the server.cfg file. This has the effect that no one can join the server with any mods! I don’t mind people joining with any mods as long as they run client side!

2. I have used in the host name “no @ACE mods pleaseâ€, but still people join the game!

3. I have even uploaded the ace mods to the server as well as CBA etc but due to the fact of updates etc I found this unacceptable and those with the ace mods that are out of date corrupt the server as well!

4. I have experimented with and without mods and server runs fine 2-3 days without ACE 2 but as soon as I let any Tom Dick and Harry join with the bloody ACE 2 mods it all goes belly up!


Can anyone out there please tell me a straight forward way (keep it simple) how to keep people away from my server who use the @ACE mod (all variants) away from my server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS the .rpt file over 3 days was less than 10kb as soon as I let in the ACE 2 system it jumps to 45MB!

Sorry for the bit of a rant and I hope I’ve posted this in the correct section.

This is a plea from a desperate man.

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you have to turn on signatures."verifysignatures=1" .Then put the allowed modes key files, in server root keys folder.

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Yes Ok I take that on board and I do understand but as peaple connect with different clientside mods how do I out guess what keys to uplaod! Hmm!

Still frustrated but thanx for the suggestion.

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Ä°f the keys file is empty (exept arma 2official key file) no one can connect to server with any mods.if you want to give permission some certaion mods,put theit keys in that folder.

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Osmo you have come up trumps my friend. Thank you for the link. Yes this is exactly what I needed and yes it works, guess that means no more pulling my hair out.

Once again many thanks.

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