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multiplayer "ping"

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hello guys

i've bin playing arma 2 online for a while now .

the only thing i don't get with joining a game is how you manage the "ping"-thing:D.

can you do something about its value?

and what determens the value anyway?



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Hi there

there is nothing we can do about the ping in game, execpt check it and kick players.

usaly high pingers get kicked out of the game. "example: over 150 on tv2"

there are things you can do that can fix your ping.. turn off all download. turn off internett browser etc etc.

but this doesnt help always. if your far away from the servers location thers nothing one can do about it.

the ping number you see ingame. ""on Map -> players or Map -> Server Control""

is like.. how long it takes for the Pc to talke to the server-.

higher the numer makes the talk between pc and server slower ^^

if your want more info about ping.. read this.


Edited by nuxil

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Also ping is measured in milliseconds so 1000 means 1 second delay which is a lot of time in games like this. There is not much you can do other than not having anything else overload your internet connection and upgrading to a better internet connection and/or more reliable internet provider, and if that's not enough then you'll probably have to move, like to a house next to the server or something ;)

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