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Trigger condition help

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Got a quick question on this I used search before but didnt find anything that helped me.

I placed a trigger with Blufor not present and on condition I placed this

west countSide thislist <= 1

and on activation

task8done = true; publicvariable "task8done"

However i want to change the trigger condition that Opfor has to be present to seize the Area .

How am i able to do that ?

I tried changing condition to this

west countSide thislist <= 1 AND east countSide thislist >= 1


west countSide thislist <= 1 AND {isplayer _x} count thislist > 1

but both ways wont work : (

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I got over that one too:


East Present

And in condition: this AND west countSide thislist <= 1

place in on Act.: hint "west gone, east there" and give it a try.

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I got over that one too:


East Present

And in condition: this AND west countSide thislist <= 1

place in on Act.: hint "west gone, east there" and give it a try.

Nope, because as the trigger is only activated by East, "west countside thislist" will only return 0 (thislist contains only East soldiers).

So, make a trigger activated by anybody, and then you'll be able to count what you want, such as :

west countSide thislist <= 1 AND east countSide thislist >= 1

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If you like to check West and East then you have to set the Activation to all.

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yeah it works now thx alot for the help

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