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Help with BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

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I´ve been reading the things about "BIS_fnc_spawnGroup" on the Forum here but i need some help here how to make this pls.

I want to spawn a couple CDF_InfSquad when I activate a trigger and the spawned group has to use Binesis TaskDefend or TaskPatrol.

Also do i need to create a Center on the map for that ?

and how about JIP that it only gets executed on the server and not for the player each time on connect.

This would save my life if i get this to work !!!

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Thanks alot JW Custom i will try it out now !

I just checked it and its very simple to use thanks JW Custom !

Btw why did you place a soldier with 0% Present (just wanna know why)

To use that with Bin Task patrol should i make it like this ?

grp = [getMarkerPos "spawn", west, ["CDF_Soldier_TL", "CDF_Soldier", "CDF_Soldier_Medic", "CDF_Soldier_GL", "CDF_Soldier_AR"],[], ["SERGEANT", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE"],[0.3,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1],[],[],round (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; null=[grp,(getMarkerPos spawn),100] execVM "scripts\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf";

Edited by tobmic

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grp = [getMarkerPos "spawn", west, ["CDF_Soldier_TL", "CDF_Soldier", "CDF_Soldier_Medic", "CDF_Soldier_GL", "CDF_Soldier_AR"],[], ["SERGEANT", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE"],[0.3,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1],[],[],round (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; null=[group grp,(getPos spawn),500] execVM "scripts\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf";

If you wanna use it directly with the example i gave you then:

grp = [getMarkerPos "spawn", west, ["CDF_Soldier_TL", "CDF_Soldier", "CDF_Soldier_Medic", "CDF_Soldier_GL", "CDF_Soldier_AR"],[], ["SERGEANT", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE", "PRIVATE"],[0.3,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1],[],[],round (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; null=[grp,(getMarkerPos "spawn"),500] execVM "BIN_taskPatrol.sqf";

Btw why did you place a soldier with 0% Present (just wanna know why)

I placed that unit for BIS_fnc_spawnGroup to work, instead of a center.

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Very cool thanks !

One more anoying question !

How to add weaponloadout for the soldiers i spawn ? i wanna give the group leader a GL weapon with Flare munition

Btw when the group leader is Blufor and the rest of the squad is opfor will they automaticly be friendly to each other and hostile to opfor ?

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

Also is it possible to have random spawn points ?

I want to add a Task to find and eliminate the Razor Team (yeah i know but they have to die this time :- ) )

I want that they have atleast 5 random spawn points on the map

Edited by tobmic

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