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A simple goal - kill XXX enemies to win, or...

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I'm sure this is another super easy one for you all, but I'm just trying to make a quick and dirty scenario.


2 sides of roughly equal force are to advance on each other to try and wipe the other out. So for a win condition, can I set it so one side has to kill 80% of the others forces? If not, what's the best way to have 2 armies advance on each other with the primary mission of extermination? I guess if I have them both try to advance and hold a sector of the map that might work? If so, how do I set that up in the mission editor?

I have a bunch of neat things I'd like to try, but need to learn the basics first.

Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction :)

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Just popping in to see if anyone can asnwer this. Thanks! :)

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Place 10 east units.

Place a trigger with a size that cover all the battlefield:

Activation: opfor or anybody

Condition: east countSide thisList <= 5

On Act: hint "West won";

So if you shoot 5 east units which is 50% of their force you get the win message.

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Better yet, download Mr Murray's Guide from Armaholic.

I don't think he's released a guide for ArmA2 yet. Is his old Armed Assault guide fully relevant to ArmA2?

Edited by jpinard

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