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How to: Dont execute this script if !alive or true something ?

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; alarm sqs


player sideChat "UAV meldet flüchtende Zielperson, Mission gescheitert...";

nul = [10] execVM "countdown.sqf":

_enemies = _this select 0


Hi, how can i stop this script if Unit X is not alive are X is true ?

It must be put in this script so it just dont shows the sideChat and dont execute the "countdown.sqf"...but only if someone is not alive or something is true like (!alive ZP) or noalarm = true.

And it Must be in the alarm.sqs (the script above) !

Dont get it work, drives me crazy...

I tried many things like "if (noalarm) exitWith {};" at the beginning but shows the massage sideChat and starts the "countdown.sqf" anyhow.

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It's an SQS script, you're trying to use SQF condition.

if (alive unitX && conditionX) then
    player sideChat "UAV meldet flüchtende Zielperson, Mission gescheitert...";
    [10] execVM "countdown.sqf":

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Sorry, dont works for me...

Now it looks like:


; alarm sqs


if (alive Zielperson) then


player sideChat "UAV meldet flüchtende Zielperson, Mission gescheitert...";

[10] execVM "countdown.sqf";

_enemies = _this select 0


But if "Zielperson" is dead it still shows the sideChat...

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Try this

; alarm sqs

if !(alive Zielperson) exitWith {};

player sideChat "UAV meldet flüchtende Zielperson, Mission gescheitert...";

nul = [10] execVM "countdown.sqf";

_enemies = _this select 0;


btw: does exitWith work in sqs? Im using only sqf, so im not sure. But if it doesnt work you could try this:

; alarm sqs

if !(alive Zielperson) then {exit};

player sideChat "UAV meldet flüchtende Zielperson, Mission gescheitert...";

nul = [10] execVM "countdown.sqf";

_enemies = _this select 0;


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Got it work with this code:

; alarm sqs

[b]? (!(alive Zielperson)) :  goto "Ende";[/b]

player sideChat "UAV meldet flüchtende Zielperson, Mission gescheitert...";
    [10] execVM "countdown.sqf";

_enemies = _this select 0


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As I said, you were using SQS syntax with SQF conditions, the code I wrote was in SQF.

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Yeah, me again...

Now i have this script:


// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: (AEF)Wolffy.au [2CAV]
if (!isServer) exitWith{};
_grp = _this select 0;
_dist = _this select 1;
if (isNil "_dist") then {_dist = (count units _grp) * 2;};

fRandBldgPos = {
// The following code is an extract from Random Building Position Script v1.0 by Tophe of ?stg?ta Ops
_bldgs = _this select 0;

_bldgpos = [];
_i = 0;
	_y = _x buildingPos _i;
	while {format["%1", _y] != "[0,0,0]"} do {
		_bldgpos = _bldgpos + [_y];
		_i = _i + 1;
		_y = _x buildingPos _i;
	_i = 0;
} forEach _bldgs;

_bldgpos = _bldgpos select floor(random(count _bldgpos));

sleep random 2;
[_x, _dist] spawn {
	private ["_action","_sleep"];
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_dist = _this select 1;
	_startpos = position leader _unit;
	_change = 90;

	_unit setBehaviour "CARELESS";
	_unit setSpeedMode "LIMITED";

	_sactions = [

	_actions = [
//			"AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_talking",
//			"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_talking",

	_actions = _actions + [

	scopeName "main";
	while {alive _unit && behaviour _unit == "CARELESS"} do {
		_action = floor(random 4);
		//player sideChat format["%1 of 3", _action];
		// random move action
		switch (_action) do {
			case 0: {
				// move to building
				_pos = position _unit;
				_camps = nearestObjects [_pos, ["Camp","Buildings"], _dist * 2];
				_bldgpos = [_camps] call fRandBldgPos;
				_unit doMove _bldgpos;
			case 1: {
				// move to startpos
				_pos = position _unit;
				_newpos = _startpos;
				if (format["%1", _newpos] != "[0,0,0]") then {
					_gap = 1 + (random 3);
					_i = random 360;
					_xg = (_gap * (sin _i));
					_yg = (_gap * (cos _i));
					_x_rot = (_newpos select 0) + _xg;
					_y_rot = (_newpos select 1) + _yg;
					_newpos = [ _x_rot, _y_rot];
					_unit doMove _newpos;
			case 2: {
				// move randomly
				if (leader _unit != _unit) then {
					_pos = position _unit;
					_newpos = _pos;
					_gap = random _dist;
					_i = random 360;
					_xg = (_gap * (sin _i));
					_yg = (_gap * (cos _i));
					_x_rot = (_newpos select 0) + _xg;
					_y_rot = (_newpos select 1) + _yg;
					_newpos = [ _x_rot, _y_rot];
					_unit doMove _newpos;
			case 3: {
				// move to another unit
				if (leader _unit != _unit) then {
					_grp = group _unit;
					_meet select floor(random count units _grp);
					_unit doMove position _meet;
		waitUntil{unitReady _unit || moveToCompleted _unit || moveToFailed _unit};

		_action = floor(random 2);
		// player globalChat format["%1 of 1", _action];
		// random animation
		_sleep = (_change / 3) + random (_change * 2 / 3);
		switch (_action) do {
			case 0: {
				// play random sitting action
				_unit playMove (_sactions select floor(random count _sactions));
				_sleep = (_change * 2 / 3) + random (_change / 3);
			case 1: {
				// play random standing action
				_unit playMove (_actions select floor(random count _actions));

		for "_i" from 1 to _sleep do {
			if (behaviour _unit == "CARELESS") then {
				sleep 1;
			} else {
				breakTo "main";
	//hint format["%1", behaviour _unit];
	if (alive _unit) then {group _unit setBehaviour "AWARE";};
	_unit playMove "null";
} forEach units group _grp;

The script should start at the beginning of the mission, no problem i just put

_scriptHandle = [leaderName, maxDistance] execVM "RelaxedAI.sqf";

in the Init of a Unit.

But now i want to quit the script if "enemynear" goes true (with a Trigger).

The Soldiers should fall back to there normal behavior and attack the enemy.

I dont get it to work that way...

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Thanks !

I tied that one:

// TestExecute.sqf;

//main of TestExecute.sqf

//Initialice _handle to null
_handle = 0 spawn {};
enemynear = false;

_handle = [] execVM "RelaxedAI.sqf";

//we wait until my_condition_to_exit_var or scritpdone.
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle || enemynear};

if (enemynear && !scriptDone _handle) then {
Terminate _handle; 

And in the Init of Unit ZP i put:

_scriptHandle = [ZP, 6] execVM "RelaxedAI.sqf";

Then i ingame walk into a trigger that makes "enemynear" true but the RelaxedAI.sqf is still going...

Help please...

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And in the Init of Unit ZP i put:

_scriptHandle = [ZP, 6] execVM "RelaxedAI.sqf";

This line in the init of a soldier isn't good, it should be placed in the previous script that checks the handle, like this :

// TestExecute.sqf;

//main of TestExecute.sqf

//Initialice _handle to null
_handle = 0 spawn {};
enemynear = false;

//_handle = [] execVM "RelaxedAI.sqf"; [b]let's get rid of this one[/b]

[b]_handle = [ZP, 6] execVM "RelaxedAI.sqf";[/b]

//we wait until my_condition_to_exit_var or scritpdone.
waitUntil {scriptDone _handle || enemynear};

if (enemynear && !scriptDone _handle) then {
Terminate _handle; 

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