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setwaypointstatements script help?

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I am trying to make a script where when a specific set of actions is complete, my helicopter drops everything it is doing and flies to a specific location and lands, however, for some reason, it just hovers over the H pad, not landing like its suppose to, here is what I have.

_wp1 = _squad addWaypoint [_pos, 0];

deleteWaypoint [_squad, 1]
deleteWaypoint [_squad, 2]
deleteWaypoint [_squad, 3]
deleteWaypoint [_squad, 4]
[_squad, 1] setWaypointPosition [_pos, 0];
[_squad, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
[_squad, 1] setWaypointStatements [""true"", ""bird1 land """"LAND""""""];
_squad setCurrentWaypoint [_squad, 1];

_squad dofollow _squad; 

I have tried a HUNDRED ways to get the setwaypointstatements and its not working. Anyone able to help me out with the setwaypoints statements part?

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[_squad, 1] setWaypointStatements ["true", "[color="Red"]bird1 land "LAND"[/color]"];

Edited by Imutep

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[_squad, 1] setWaypointStatements ["true", "bird1 land "LAND""];

tried that, it doesn't work...

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Try this one...

[_squad, 1] setWaypointStatements ["true", "[color="Red"]bird1 land 'LAND'[/color]"];

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it does work to an extent, when I make a script using just that it works, however...

When I combine it with the rest of my script, the helo no longer wants to land, perhaps an issue with my script?

_wp1 = _squad addWaypoint [_pos, 0];
[_squad, _wp1] setWaypointPosition [_pos, 0];
[_squad, _wp1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[_squad, _wp1] setWaypointStatements ["true", "_helo land 'LAND'"];
_squad setCurrentWaypoint [_squad, _wp1];

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I am running into a similar issue, i cannot get the setwaypointstatements to work no matter what I put in it.

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You could make the waypointstatement code

hint "hello"

To make sure code is being run. Then run your other code.

use -showscripterrors if not allready

For chopper to land try heliname Land "getin"

Syntax should be ok but in your code just replace "Land" with "getin"

you only need double " if you are within "" so "Land" becomes """Land""" in the general sense.

Once that works try it in a hot LZ and see if theres any new issues.

Edited by TJ72

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Well the reason I have ""land""" is because of the way the waypointstatement works..

[_squad, 1] setWaypointStatements ["true", "bird1 land "LAND""];

and no, unfortunately even with that change the helo still isn't landing.

Also, I am trying to reframe from using names in the script. In the long run the script is going to create a helicopter, and the script will be activated on many times. Every time my guy shoots a flare, a helicopter will fly, land, drop some forces, leave, and get deleted. If he shoots a red flare, it flies, lands, picks him up, and moves to the next landing zone.

I am able to get it to drop forces by using the transport unload command. But to pick up him or any other forces I want, I want to use the land "Get In" which I changed it to, but still no avail, so I am running out of ideas as to why this is not working right now...

Edited by Kocrachon

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