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Militia rabble RPG´s

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Im trying to make insurgents fire rpg´s at infantry, but i want there accuracy to be poor. To make them act like poorly trained militia.

problem is when i uped the engagement range of the rpgs the accuracy was to high. When lowering the accuracy they wont engage.

What im looking for is somting like the HD rpg´s from JAM in OFP. Anyone know how to make that work?




class SOM_PG7V_AT : PG7V_AT {

hit = 208;

indirectHit = 20;

indirectHitRange = 2;

model = "\ca\weapons\PG7_Rocket";

cost = 100;

initTime = 0.1;

thrust = 280;

thrustTime = 1;

maxSpeed = 295; // max speed on level road, km/h

sideAirFriction = 1.5;

timeToLive = 4.5;

fuseDistance = 5;

visibleFire = 28; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired

audibleFire = 16;

CraterEffects = "ATRocketCrater";

explosionEffects = "ATRocketExplosion";

effectsMissile = "missile2";

whistleDist = 4;


class SOM_OG7_AT : SOM_PG7V_AT {

hit = 75;

indirectHit = 20;

indirectHitRange = 12;

model = "\ca\weapons\OG7V_Rocket";

cost = 100;

CraterEffects = "ATRocketCrater";

explosionEffects = "ATRocketExplosion";

effectsMissile = "missile2";

whistleDist = 24;





class SOM_PG7V : PG7V {

scope = public;

model = "\ca\weapons\PG7_proxy";

modelSpecial = "\ca\weapons\rpg7_launcher_loaded";

displayName = "RPG7";

ammo = SOM_PG7V_AT;

reloadAction = "ManActReloadAT";

picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\m_pg7_ca.paa";

initSpeed = 200;

type = 2 * 256;

descriptionShort = "$STR_DSS_1Rnd_PG7V";


class SOM_OG7 : OG7 {

scope = public;

model = "\ca\weapons\OG7V_proxy";

modelSpecial = "\ca\weapons\rpg7o_launcher_loaded";

displayName = "RPG7-HE";

ammo = SOM_OG7_AT;

reloadAction = "ManActReloadAT";

picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\M_OG7V_ca.paa";

initSpeed = 180;

type = 1 * 256;

descriptionShort = "$STR_DSS_1Rnd_OG7";





class SOM_RPG7V : RPG7V {

scope = public;

displayName = RPG-7V;

model = "\ca\weapons\rpg7_launcher";

handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\RPG7.rtm"};

modelOptics = "-";

magazines[] = {PG7V, PG7VL, PG7VR, OG7, SOM_PG7V, SOM_PG7VR, SOM_OG7};

sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\RocketLauncher_Shot04_A", db20, 1, 1400};

drySound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\dry", 0.0001, 1, 10};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\flare_reload", 0.000316228, 1, 20};

soundFly[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\rocket_fly1", db40, 1.5, 700};

picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\w_rpg7_ca.paa";

UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_at_CA.paa";

recoil = "launcherBase";

aiRateOfFire = 3.0; // delay between shots at given distance

aiRateOfFireDistance = 250;

minRange = 10;

midRange = 200;

maxRange = 400;

class Library {

libTextDesc = $STR_LIB_RPG7V;


descriptionShort = $STR_DSS_RPG7V;


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You could try adding a line under class SOM_RPG7V : RPG7V{ that states the following:

dispersion = ***(you would put your value in here)

The inherited dispersion factor for the RPG7V is .002 which is pretty low considering the values for the AKS base rifles is .002 and granade launchers is .007.

Give it a try and see what happens. Also, if you put it under the SOM_RPG7V it will not affect the standard RPG's in the game;).

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doesn´t seem to have an effect. Where did you get the dispersion value anyway? count't find it in the weapons pbo of BIS.

class RPG7V : Launcher {

scope = public;

displayName = $STR_DN_RPG7;

model = "\ca\weapons\rpg7_launcher";

handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\RPG7.rtm"};

modelOptics = "-";

magazines[] = {PG7V, PG7VL, PG7VR, OG7};

sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\RocketLauncher_Shot04_A", db20, 1, 1400};

drySound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\dry", 0.0001, 1, 10};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\flare_reload", 0.000316228, 1, 20};

soundFly[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\rocket_fly1", db40, 1.5, 700};

picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\w_rpg7_ca.paa";

UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_at_CA.paa";

recoil = "launcherBase";

aiRateOfFire = 10.0; // delay between shots at given distance

aiRateOfFireDistance = 250;

minRange = 10;

midRange = 200;

maxRange = 300;

class Library {

libTextDesc = $STR_LIB_RPG7V;


descriptionShort = $STR_DSS_RPG7V;


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You need to track from where it inherits it's dispersion value. The RPG7V inherits from Launcher, which has no dispersion value. The Launcher inherits from Launchercore, which is in the bin PBO inside the DTA folder in your Bohemia Interactive folder (also no dispersion value). Finally, in that bin PBO is where launchercore inherits from Default (launchercore : default), that is where the dispersion value for that particular weapon in set at dispersion = .002.

The game will always use the latest value in a lineage so if you set it at the particular weapon it will use the setting you provide. Otherwise it will look back until it identifies the value somewhere.

Out of curiosity where did you set the dispersion = value at. I didn't see it in the last post you put up. If you really want to see a difference set the dispersion factor to 2.0 and then test, you should definately see a difference. Small increments, especially with a weapon that has splash damage may have little to no effect;).

On a final note, be sure you are assigning the new weapon class "SOM_RPG7V" you are creating to the unit who is test firing it. Otherwise that unit may be test firing the original RPG.

Feel free to download and look at the files in my weapons dispersion addons in my sig, you may find an idea you haven't thought of:).

Good luck with this and let me know if I can be of more assistance.

Edited by Mysteryman5150

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Rocket lauchers don't have any dispersion, whatever value you set in the config. It requires a scripted solution (setvectordir/up the rocket from fired EH).

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A was afraid of that.

Know any such scripts that can be modified?

Noticed that the FFAR and S-80 missle fire wobbly missiles in SLX is that scripted to ?

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Thanks Q1184;), I didn't know about that, as I haven't messed with any launchers in my mods.

Sorry if I mislead you arkengel:o.

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