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Need help with paramsarray

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I have searched and worked on these for hours now and I'm just missing something. I have three things that I know are not working, time of day, weather and fasttime, others like number of objectives are obviously hard to test, if you see what I'm doing wrong I could really use some help.


class Params {
class MainTargets {
	title = "Main Targets";
	#ifdef __DEFAULT__
	values[] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,17};
	default = 17;
	texts[] = {"Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12","Random 14","Random 16","Random 17"};

	#ifdef __TT__
	values[] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,17};
	default = 17;
	texts[] = {"2","4","6","8","10","12","14","16","17"};

	#ifdef __EVERON__
	values[] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,17};
	default = 17;
	texts[] = {"2","4","6","8","10","12","14","16","17"};

class TimeOfDay {
	title = "Time of day:";
	values[] = {7,19,};
	default = 7; 
	texts[] = {"Day","Night"};
	code = "setDate [2010, 2, 22, %1, 0]";

class Weather {

	title = "Weather";
	values[] = {1,2,3,4};
	default = 2;
	texts[] = {"Clear", "Stormy", "Cloudy", "Foggy"};

class WithMHQTeleport {
	title = "Teleport or spawn at MHQ:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class FastTime {
	title = "Fast time (1 sec ~ 1 minute):";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 1; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class HALOWaitTime {
	title = "HALO at base wait time:";
	values[] = {0,300,600};
	#ifndef __TT__
	default = 0; 
	default = 0;
	texts[] = {"0 Minutes","5 Minutes","10 Minutes"};

class LockArmored {
	title = "Lock armored enemy vecs:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class LockCars {
	title = "Lock enemy cars:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class LockAir {
	title = "Lock enemy air vecs:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class WithRepStations {
	title = "Repair buildings can repair:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class WithJumpFlags {
	title = "No parachute jump flags:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 1; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class ParaAtBase {
	title = "Parachute from base:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class AmmoBoxHandling {
	title = "Ammobox handling:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"New","Old"};

class VecCreateWaitTime {
	title = "MHQ vec creation time:";
	values[] = {60,300,600};
	default = 300; 
	texts[] = {"1 Minute","5 Minutes","10 Minutes"};

class AutoKickTime {
	title = "Air vecs autokick time:";
	values[] = {0,60,300};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"0 Minute","1 Minute","5 Minutes"};

class HALOJumpHeight {
	title = "HALO jump height:";
	values[] = {500,700,888,1000,2000};
	default = 500; 
	texts[] = {"500 m","700 m","888 m","1000 m","2000 m"};

class WithBackpack {
	title = "With backpack:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 0; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

class LimitedWeapons {
	title = "Weapons limited:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 1; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};

#ifndef __RANKED__
class WithRanked {
	title = "Ranked:";
	values[] = {0,1};
	default = 1; 
	texts[] = {"Yes","No"};


Weather = (paramsarray select 2);
if ( Weather ==	1) then {
		0 setFog 0;
		0 setOvercast 0;
		0 setRain 0;
if ( Weather ==	2) then {
		0 setFog 0.2;
		0 setOvercast 1.0;
		0 setRain 1;
if ( Weather ==	3) then {
		0 setFog 0;
		0 setOvercast 0.7;
		0 setRain 0;
if ( Weather ==	4) then {
		0 setFog 0.7;
		0 setOvercast 0.7;
		0 setRain 0;
} else {
		0 setFog 0.2; 
		0 setOvercast 1.0;
		0 setRain 1;

if (d_with_fast_time) then {
	execFSM "fsms\FastTime.fsm";


if (isNil "paramsArray") then {
number_targets = 17;
d_with_mhq_respawn = true;
d_with_fast_time = false;
d_para_timer_base = 0;
// if set to true, enemy AI spawned vehicles will be locked. Default false, no lock
d_lock_ai_armor = true;
d_lock_ai_car = true;
d_lock_ai_air = true;
// Set it to false if you have performance problems (short hickups) at mission start.
// If false repair stations can not repair vehicles
d_with_repstations = true;
// If set to true no parachute flags (Choose Parachute location) will get created at base and cleared main targets (only available for version != AI)
// this also overrides d_para_at_base and sets it to false
d_no_para_at_all = false;
// "Choose Parachute Location" option at the flag at base
d_para_at_base = true;
// set d_old_ammobox_handling to true to get back pre 3.50 ammobox dropping from mhq and choppers
d_old_ammobox_handling = false;
// if a player creates a vehicle at a mhq this is the time he has to wait until the old vehicle gets deleted
// and he is able to create a new vehicle again. Default is 30 minutes = 1800 seconds
d_remove_mhq_vec_time = 300;
// default = 1800. This will kick players for the first 30  minutes(or 1800 seconds) when they joined out of air vehicles that can be won at main targets or sidemissions
// if you don't want this feature then set d_player_air_autokick = 0;
// if ArmA crashes and the player rejoines then he won't need to wait 30 minutes again (time gets saved)
d_player_air_autokick = 0;
// set the height for the HALO jump
d_halo_height = 500;
// add backpack feature
d_use_backpack = true;
d_limited_weapons = false;
#ifndef __RANKED__
d_with_ranked = false;

} else {

number_targets = paramsArray select 0;
d_with_mhq_respawn = paramsArray select 3;
d_with_fast_time = paramsArray select 4;
d_para_timer_base = paramsArray select 5;
d_lock_ai_armor = if ((paramsArray select 6) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_lock_ai_car = if ((paramsArray select 7) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_lock_ai_air = if ((paramsArray select 8) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_with_repstations = if ((paramsArray select 9) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_no_para_at_all = if ((paramsArray select 10) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_para_at_base = if ((paramsArray select 11) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_old_ammobox_handling = if ((paramsArray select 12) == 0) then {false} else {true};
d_remove_mhq_vec_time = paramsArray select 13;
d_player_air_autokick = paramsArray select 14;
d_halo_height = paramsArray select 15;
d_use_backpack = if ((paramsArray select 16) == 1) then {false} else {true};
d_limited_weapons = if ((paramsArray select 17) == 1) then {false} else {true};
#ifndef __RANKED__
d_with_ranked = if ((paramsArray select 18) == 1) then {false} else {true};

That's not all those files contain, but I'm trying to keep it as relevant as I can for you, if you need something specific from that just ask.

I'm becoming quite frustrated, this is all I have left to do and I can't seem to overcome it, can someone show me the way please?

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Nevermind, I give up, since I can set the defaults I guess there is no real need for this anyway.

Edited by callihn

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No! Dont give up! Only need the AI skills params, anyone who knows the commands in the init and the description.ext please?

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Search for skipTime in the original files for how and when timeofday (and fasttime, but I don't use this myself) is handled (several places). Search for setOvercast and setFog (and setRain and setWind?) for the weather thing. This is also set several places. Remember to search * all files, not just *.sqf, as some uses may be inside fsms.

Edit: Oh crap. Really old thread that one :p

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