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Stepping on Railroad tracks

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The game looks fine maxed out with high AA but the power lines and Railroad tracks look horrid. They have terrible stepping like AA is not smoothing them. Turn the 3D res up to 200% helps but doesn't fix it entirely.

If I crank Super Sampling in my ATI control panel its like smooth and everything looks right. Super Sampling however kills performance and I cannot play with it on.


995BE CPU @3.8


WIN7 64

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its the nature of the beast. Angle dependent... I still had jaggies with SSAA. Your saying its good? Yeah its a big hit, and has nothing on the ingame AA. But then maybe your 5870 can use the SSAA much better than my 4870x2s. You will need two cards to get the better frames AA. With the 1.05, a RAMDisk,and the latest drivers i can play with HighAA. which being 8xAA is much better on the tracks, but still they crawl.

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With super sample and high AA in game the powerlines and tracks are silk smooth. Like you said for me to be able to play at that though i will need two cards.....figuring if im lucky.

** Does the nvidia cards display the same result**

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