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Firiing postion for rifle range?

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Hi folks,

I'm working on a remake of one of my VBS2 maps, which covers the Malone firing ranges at Ft. Benning. My current problem is, that I can't find some elements from ArmA1/VBS2 in ArmA2 e.g. the "stelecky_post_new" --> that's the firing position (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/jens198/Image2-1.jpg)

Is there something like that in the ArmA2 objects? Maybe even some more elements I can use on a map like that (e.g. the ArmA1 "army_hut_XX")


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I don't know of anything in ArmA2 that looks as close as the photobucket image you posted, but you may be able to put something together with the sandbag fortifications and "FoldTable".

But there is no solid wooden table.


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Thanks for your efforts guys. I found something called "shooting_range" that fits as well.


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