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Changing Weather class ingame

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Does anyone know if:

I can define two Weather classes in config, then decide ingame to change the class used to display weather? I'm guessing that the use of the Weather class (a subclass of CAWorld) is hardcoded and cannot be swapped out, but I ask in the spirit of ignorance :)

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Yeh, don't think it can be swapped.

But maybe for your fog tweak, you could modify a sky texture so its replaced with your "fog" sky.

This might work; replace the cloudiest sky texture with your fog texture.

Sure, this might mean it will be rainy and stormy with your Fog-Sky, but at least this suits most of the situation mission maker might make foggy missions for.

There seems there are 7 different "levels" of sky;

- Clear

- Very Clear

- Almost Clear

- Cloudy

- Mostly Cloudy

- Semi Cloudy

- Overcast

If you just change "Overcast" sky textures, it might look fine. Then all mission makers have to do is make sure their mission is always Overcast.

As 0% fog + Fog Sky may look odd (not sure), you may also be able to create a script or a Event Handler where if the game is detected with "overcast" weather present, then it automaticily switches on some percentage of fog as a minimum.

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Hmm yeah, it sounds like I will be constantly monitoring the weather during heavy fog sessions :) Problem with sequesting one of the weather settings for this addon would be that the mission would be subject to that particular weather variations. Overcast (if that's the most extreme weather setting) has auto wind and rain, so it would affect the mission ambiance. Fog can be applied over any weather setting, it's not linked, so forcing poor weather where previously there was good weather might seem odd and would detract more than it would add.

I could constantly monitor for rain and constantly set it to previous settings, and I'd need to also do that with wind (if it can be done ;)). Possibly not a big deal, and I'll do it if it's the only option, but it starts to turn into a weather addon then and it would undoubtedly clash with "proper" weather addons :)

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Hmmm (wonders what DMarkwick is up to now...)

edit: NVM - I just found your other thread :)

Edited by Grizzle

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