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Vehicle optics

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i have been tinkering with some of configs and trying to change the zoom effects on some vehicles but im not getting anywhere.

Anyone know how to increase the zoom on the optics and how to make zoom stay we letting go of the zoom button?

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	class ViewPilot
		initAngleX = 5;
		minAngleX = -85;
		maxAngleX = 85;
		initAngleY = 0;
		minAngleY = -150;
		maxAngleY = 150;
		initFov = 0.9;
		minFov = 0.42;
		maxFov = 0.9;

ViewPilot is just one example used in configs.

The "initFov" parameter define Zoom at rest

min is limit zoomed out

max is limit of zoomed in

FYI, the "angles" are how much you can move the view about

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Thanks il give it a try

How does it effect the staying zoomed? In some vehicles the zoom stays when you let go of the zoom button, in other vehicles the zoom recoils if you let go of the zoom button.

Edited by arkengel

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Im trying to improve vehicles optics in general, to make a bigger differance in tanks for instance, there the fov seems to have an effect. But i was also trying to make the optics of the LAV-100/150, in the Vilas 85 pack have optics similar to a tank, where the optics stay zoomed in after you let go of the zoom button. I think the stock brdm's have the same thing with the zoom.

An other odd thing i noticed when trying to upgrade the sensetivity in tanks, there seems to be no metion of scan range, sensetivity in the configs of either addons or in the BIS addon files. It does seem to work when you put it in manualy do.

Edited by arkengel

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After trying to port in some of the ships from Arma I, I cant get the Ships to detect any planes from beyond +/- 5000M and even then they rarely engage.

If tried every possible Scanrange, sensetivity and eyescanfactor combination.


sensitivity = 10.0; // sensor sensitivity


irScanRangeMin = 1000;

irScanRangeMax = 10000;

irScanToEyeFactor = 5;


sensitivity = 30.0; // sensor sensitivity


irScanRangeMin = 100000;

irScanRangeMax = 100000;

irScanToEyeFactor = 10;

Anyone know how to increase the detectionrange beyond 5000?

It seems like there is a max range of about 6000 for radar even for the player, but if im not mistaken this is far less then it was in OFP.

Can anyone confirm that is the max range?

Or is there a way around this maximum

Edited by arkengel

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