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Does anyone else hate the way weapons feel?

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I think its more down to character movement then the actual weapons. They feel good when you are aiming and not moving. I did some testing again today, and i think some of the problem could be in the way that you are stuck to your body.

Because your view is stuck on the virtual guys head, rather than a gun being stuck in the middle of your screen, you feel very detatched from your gun in regards to movement. The system would work great if we could control our legs and arms freely in game, but we cannot.

If someone could simply make a mod, just for testing and nothing else, where you are in fact floating and not stuck to your body, we could see how the game feels. I would like a cross between floating and having a body, at least until we have more precise control over our body parts.

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"I don't have the feeling, that my rifle is pressed into the shoulder."

I feel that a single button press for CQB to LR combat controls would revolutionize ArmA.

I get the feeling that the guns are made out of plastic in A2, all though I am ah hardcore fan of the game.

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Well, I have made a fool of myself. Even in all this time, it has taken me until today to realise just how good Arma 2 is at CQB. By far, way better than any other game.

My issue is that I was used to floating, and moving at super duper fast speeds with hollywood reflexes. The reality is that IRL, you are not going to be feeling like a 5 stone supermodel, even with lightweight gear and a small weapon.

This is the scenario that made me realise how uber epic Arma 2 CQB is.

I am in a little bird. The mission is simple. A group of lightly armed militia have been reported in a small village. My objective is simply to recon the area, and if required, engage the few ground targets. It is midday, the weather is boiling and visibility is great.

As we aproach the village we notice a few small figures hurrying about. Obvious they are holding weapons, I execute a small straffing run with my hydras. Out of about 8 militia, I think I got about 3 of them.

My first straffe was complete, and I was now turning around preparing for the second. As we began to aproach the targets once more, the distinct sound of bullets buzzing into the thin metal of the Littlebird became very clear. My co-pilot started to shout "Incoming Fi...". A sudden crack and several holes apeared through my windscreen. I glanced over my soldier, and there he was slumped over the controls. F*ck.

Things were bad, and getting worse. The next spread of bullets terminally damaged the small helicopter, whilst I still had speed I got the altitude low and pulled back on the stick. I managed to land, but I was under heavy fire. Small milita team my butt!

Bullets kicking up dust at my feat, I sprinted as fast as I could int othe village. This is where the CQB got my heart pounding. Running was useless now, from now on I was slow and quiet, my gun always drawn. I proceeding through the village, quite literally searching every house, room by room. It became apparent whilst I was walking through these rooms, just how real I felt. My gun and body had a real feeling of existence, and contrary to belief, I felt extremely agile! *Take note I was using a CQB MP5*

I was about halfway through the village, when I rached one of the houses I had hit with my hydras. The whole front had collapsed, and In the remains laid 2 Militia who had apparently been hiding from the fire. I saw a figure zip across outside, and quickly got myself behind a wall. I leaned out slowly, sites drawn, scanning for him. A crack, a whiz, a zoing, one of his bullets just missed me. I quickly fired back, and despite being only a small MP5, the gun really felt powerful. One traget down, where are the rest?

Still captivated by Just how great the CQB felt, I made it my mission to hunt down every single Milita who killed my co-pilot. I was using walls for cover, sprinting between houses, checking hallways, and climbing stairs. It felt far more realistic and smooth than any call of duty-esque game, I don't know how I never noticed this before.

All you have to do is set yourself up in a nice scenario, and you will realise just how great it feels.

And that is the end of my story. If you read it all, (which I doubt lol!), you should now go and try for yourself. Arma 2, most epic CQB game ever.

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I like how A1 had setting for floating zone, but that is gone in A2.

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Errr, what? Unless I misunderstood your post, there IS a setting for floating zone in A2. Look in "Game options"

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"I don't have the feeling, that my rifle is pressed into the shoulder."

I feel that a single button press for CQB to LR combat controls would revolutionize ArmA.

I get the feeling that the guns are made out of plastic in A2, all though I am ah hardcore fan of the game.

well...in that case ArmA2 is right...modern Assault rifles are mainly made of plastic.

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No, I don't hate the way weapons feel.

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Still, they feel great to me. When I am pressed against a wall, I actually FEEL pressed against a wall. When I run, I FEEL like I am running, which makes me feel vulnerable. Ever been running real fast, but needed to urgently stop? In real life you can't just stop on a dime and pull your gun out.

When in CQB, you really feel the need to walk slow, scan your sectors, and stay against cover. It feels great. The weapon clipping is awesome.

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No i dont "hate" how they feel. Stupid word. Tested most other shooters and they all feel like the weapon is made out of paper or air. Way too light and non existing. In ARMA they at least get a feeling of being a weapon.

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Tried some CQB with the C1987 MP7 vs. some HD(High Dispersion) Resistance squads.

The MP7 addon is designed as a "pistol" and it is unbelievable how clunky it feels.

It feels like your legs are made from wood and your arms from rubber.

Better animations would do the job.

MfG Lee :)

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Hi all

I hate the camera on rails feel of virtualy every other FPS they are far too unrealistic IMHO and with their bullets apearing from between the eyes of the player rather than from the muzzle of the gun they are just plain have it wrong.

Also the clumsiness of CQB in ArmA is correct what the heck are people using long barreled sniper inside buldings for in all other FPS?

I like the fact that in ArmA the numpty with the Rifle cannot turn it round in the corridor because it bumps into the wall. Get your pistol out numbnuts!

Kind Regards walker

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I used to think they felt clunky, and they could definitely use a little polish, but still miles better than any call of duty garbage.

I just love being able to push myself against a wall, I love being forced to take my time or else get dropped. In real life you stay behind cover, you shoot, and you stay behind more cover. Arma 2 simulates that very well.

With Trackir5 it's the most realistic CQB experience I have ever had.

Edit, Walker is god.

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Hi all

I hate the camera on rails feel of virtualy every other FPS they are far too unrealistic IMHO and with their bullets apearing from between the eyes of the player rather than from the muzzle of the gun they are just plain have it wrong.

Also the clumsiness of CQB in ArmA is correct what the heck are people using long barreled sniper inside buldings for in all other FPS?

I like the fact that in ArmA the numpty with the Rifle cannot turn it round in the corridor because it bumps into the wall. Get your pistol out numbnuts!

Kind Regards walker

I just love your comments :D Well said!

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I like the fact that in ArmA the numpty with the Rifle cannot turn it round in the corridor because it bumps into the wall. Get your pistol out numbnuts!

Even the handgun can stop you from turning around in many places where you definitely ought to be able to without issue. You can't even lower the handgun like you can with rifle.

So would it kill you if the weapon was automatically lowered when facing a wall?

I realise it may be technically difficult to program if still to let you shoot out windows and such, but in the end the fact is that indoor is far more clumsy than in the real world.

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It's not perfect, no, but it is still better than any other game, at least in outdoor CQB. Indoor issues just seem to be with controlling the gun, rather than the actual gun movement and feel.

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