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prevent <unit x> join player

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Hi all,

I made this mission where a unit does some stuff at the beginning of the mission. After that he runs away. I delete the unit when he's out of sight.

But when the leader (maybe other players to) comes close to the unit an action apears unit join player. But i don't want that, because this will stop his actions. I don't want the leader to gain control over that unit. Is there a way to prevent that action?



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If like STGN suggested, you are indeed playing with ECP or a mod based on ECP, to remove the join action you need to open the ECP_Settings.sqf located inside of the @ECP mod folder.

Find those lines :

//ECP_public set [33, false ];

//ECP_public set [35, false ];

//ECP_public set [36, false ];

And remove the // that is in front of those lines, so they would look like this :

ECP_public set [33, false ];

ECP_public set [35, false ];

ECP_public set [36, false ];

This way no more ECP AI joining/leaving the player squad on player's command.

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Thx for the replies.

Indeed i have the ECP mod installed.

I also found the option in ECP options. But i created a MP mission, and don't want others to have the option available also.

If i want to use RemoveAction, i need an index of that action, right? Is there a way to search for specific actions in the list?

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