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Graphics During Suspend/Save Mode

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I noticed the graphics during that instant when you suspend or save looks richer. Any reason why? Is there a way to get those colours during actual play?


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Also noticed that when i got the game but didnt find a answer to that.

I think somethign between that and the standard game value would be perfect.

There are some threads where the shader effects that can change the games look are discussed but so far not much came out of it i think.

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I would also like a mid term between that and the in-game looks. These have always looked way too desaturated to me.

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I would also like a mid term between that and the in-game looks. These have always looked way too desaturated to me.

x2, this would be cool

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X3 :D

Been upping the vibrance on my monitor, but it is not the same.

Also have to turn it on/off everytime I play Arma2.

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Hmmmm, I tried modifying the saturation in the Catalyst Control Center (wonder why didn't think of that before). Result is awesome! I love how it looks now (a lot more colorful). Guess I can live without a saturation slider in Arma2 options, and having to modify it every time I load the game...

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Guess I can live without a saturation slider in Arma2 options, and having to modify it every time I load the game...

Yes, me too, im using the Digital Vibrance in Nvidia CP.

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Lowering screen brightness usually makes graphics look better. So the load screens look good even though they are more garish and excessive than any Hollywood filter.

You can tell the devs went to some lengths to make Chernarus a colorful place, what with the fall foliage and orange houses, but the lighting engine is do beholden to reality that the slightest wisp of cloud makes things look drab.

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Hmmmm, I tried modifying the saturation in the Catalyst Control Center (wonder why didn't think of that before). Result is awesome! I love how it looks now (a lot more colorful). Guess I can live without a saturation slider in Arma2 options, and having to modify it every time I load the game...

May I ask where in CCC you adusted this setting?

I tried the Avio Video saturation slider, but still the same greyness in Arma2 :(

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Hmmm, can't remember precisely. I am at work right now and this computer has a NVidia, but I do believe it was the slider you mentioned. I remember the default value was 100, and that I found the sweet spot at ~145 (min 0, max 200). I will edit the post when I get home to confirm it.

By the way, I use Windows XP and an Ati3870 (in case that makes a difference).

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Thanks for the help, I´m on Win 7U 64, with Radeon 5870.

Latest beta 10.1 drivers.

I´ll try again, also working hard to set up my G940 hotas :yay:

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My saturation slider is in the "Avivo Color" menu, under the "Digital Panel (DVI)" menu. I guess that's the one you meant. Do you see no changes? Even in your desktop, or only in Arma2? I played with the slider with the windowed mode of the game next to it, so it was easier to compare. Good luck!!!

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It does look better, but still not the same if you compare the markings on the carrier (yellow/redish) when in trasition during suspend.

There is a youtube video i think somewere! of a guy that seem to have enabled this mode somhow.

What i really want is more vibrant textures, and a seperate control over the sky/lightning, never satisfied am I:cool:

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Well maybe two new sliders in the video options - contrast and saturation - could do the job hehe :cool:

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