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Can someone please infrom me of a way to place a certain object (to be more specific a pop up target) at a certain distance from a shooting position? There is a shooting position and I want that pop up target to be exactly 1000 meters away from the shooting position.


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Hello and welcome to the forums.

There are two ways of doing this.

1: Put a trigger on top of the firing position.

A, B -axis set to 1000

Then on the blue line which represents the circle area, put your pop-up target.

Depending on how accurately you put the pop-up target it will be about 1000 meters away, difference about ,5 of a meter.

2: Scripted.

But try with #1 if that doesn't suite your needs, let me know.

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Thank you Taurus for your reply. I tried that one but for some reason it won't work like I want it to in the 3d editor. Is there any script or something I can place that would make it do that?

Thank you again for your time and contribution.


Edited by unknownx9
missed a word

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So the 3D editor disables the 2D editor? ;)

Anyways, here's the promised script in an example mission.


The mission also features a bukkit which you can use to collect your bullet casings in.

To edit the range of which the target should be placed at, look in the init of the shooting position.

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Taurus thanks for your help. But I decided to go ahead and use your first option there (the trigger option). Now if I wanted to place a pop up target at 1000 meters, and wanted to input that in the trigger, would I just put 1000 for the height and width? or do I have to place another number that is arma 2 specific for that range?

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As I understand, the only reason you use the trigger is as a ruler.. just to have something that can transfer that distance in the editor. Use a rectangle trigger if you want and set one side to 1000. Then place one end of the trigger at the firing position and then put your target at the other end. Use spacebar to see if the distance is right.

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Yes, the trigger was just as a ruler.

The radius is 1000 the diameter 2000.

If you put 1000 as A and b-axis as I mentioned in my first post, the blue line will be your ruler for a location which is ~1000 meters from the centre of the trigger.

If you chose to use the script I provided you can put it exactly where you want, or well, differs with 1 decimetre.

The script can be modified to take the radius(a,b-axis) as inputs where to put the object.

But that will require some modifications to the script.

Edited by Taurus

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