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Headgear substitution

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Hi, i'm here because i need help in a little modification.

I'm planning a reskin for russian SFs but a good addition to the pack would be the conversion of parts of the headgear. If for example i'd like to take out the bandana and pick a boonie for them should i need to be a pro in O2 or something ? AKA is there a way to just pick the model and change that piece ?

I know it could sound weird and "nooby" but i'm a 3Dnoob so :D

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All A2 models are binarized so you can't open them in Oxygen. However you can change the head model without Oxygen, just not any headgear. For example you can give MVD troop a regular head without the balaclava using config.

Like so:

faceType = "Man"; // This gives the model a normal head

faceType = "HeadMask1Black"; // This gives the model a black balaclava

Female head works unfortunately with female animations only :(.

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Ok thanks, so there's no hat models ? i can give normal head to spetsnaz but not a head with the boonie...

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