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===how to install the patch=== ????

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Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.

It will install all content of the patch to the folder with your ArmA 2 installation (default is C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 or Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2).

Why the 105 installer do not have the possibility to change directory.. ?

Is there a way to direct it to an other root ?


Edited by GOZR

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Please read the instructions again!

It clearly states it will install the patch to the folder where you have ArmA2 installed .. wherever that might be.

It then states what the default location is if you didn't change it when you installed ArmA2.


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That is the problem it doesn't..

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What not make an update with the choice of location?

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What not make an update with the choice of location?

Because it automatically finds your ArmA 2 install and puts it there? Did you try running the patch through or did you stop the patch when you saw the location? Are you using the Steam version or retail disc?

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Yes Retail and i tried to install but stop with an error.. possible to change the path from the registry ?

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Yes Retail and i tried to install but stop with an error.. possible to change the path from the registry ?

The patcher reads out the registry.

You probably don't have the correct path set in registry (aka moved install without patching the reg key?)

Either fix the registry manually or reinstall the game in the altered path you've chosen and then apply the patch.

Your local reg key can be found with very little efford.

This is not a problem with the patch, it's a problem with your setup.

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[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2]

Thanks for the light.

i did find the path and corrected it.

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