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Spawn AI script?

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Hi i like having maps with Loads of enemies randomly located, i normall close my eyes and spam CTRL+V on groups.

Fun but HORRIBLY unoptimized, so im wondering is there a script that makes a group of enemies "Appear" when you set foot in a zone?

Thanks :D

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There are a few ways you can do waht you want, for one you can use the ACM module (Ambient Combat Manager) which dynamically spawns enemy units around you so you will always have something to fight.

Secondly you could use Kronzky's UPS script to create random patrols around an area. More info on that here.

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you can use random function to set random coordinates (with surfaceIsWater check)

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Im really bad at coding, how do i edit the ACM's intensity etc, ive read the wiki but im still confused:S

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Firstly add the ACM module then name it BIS_ACM, synchronize it with your player unit. Then go to the initialization field of the ACM module and put this:

[1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

This will set the ACM module of name "BIS_ACM" to create units with an intensity of 1 (maximum).

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Thanks pal, also i was reading and would this make it so only insurgents spawn?

[["INS"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;

Edited by thedudesam

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Yes as far as I can tell from what is posted on the wiki, as I have not had much personal experience with the ACM module.

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Ah ok, im guessing that this

[["INS"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

I the correct way to join them both?

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G'day visit us at http://creobellum.org/forum/7 we have premade random group, random enemy camps, reinforcments, Airsupport, homicide bomber and many more scripts. Each script comes with a Demo mission and a guide on how to impliment them into your missions.

Also we are looking for people with mission making ideas and skills to help out around the place

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