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Problem installation linux lenny 64 bits

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hello i ve go a problem with the installation

i follow instructions on the readme

when i make ./install that s ok all lower case no error.

i can run my server by ./server i can play on it but there a no configuration on it ...

i stop it.

i launch the server with ./arma2server start

but the server don t work, and i ve got an error with the 2302.run

this files is empty.

i have modify the arma2server with my server properties


after the ./install

ArmA 2 Linux Dedicated Server 1.04

Converting ArmA 2 directory:

No file-names were converted

ArmA 2 server was installed.

after the ./server

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.\ArmA2.cfg.Resolution_Bpp'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

String STR_EVAL_NUM not found

Error in expression <<limit>>

Error position: <<limit>>


String STR_EVAL_NUM not found

Error in expression <<limit>>

Error position: <<limit>>


Warning Message: Addon 'CAAir2' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CruiseMissile' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_AIR2_Su25' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CAAir3' requires addon 'CAAir'

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/

0:33:53 Dedicated host created.

0:33:54 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.069)

0:33:54 Host identity created.

ArmA 2 Console version 1.05 : port 2302 - Sockets

./arma2server start

Starting ArmA 2 server...

./arma2server: line 31: arma2/2302.run: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type

:~/arma2$ nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout


someone can help me ?

Edited by CrZy

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I had a similar problem with lower.c not compiling though I had checked gcc was installed, I think perhaps it was not in my arma (non-root) user's path (or whatever is the Linux equivalent). What I did was seek out the following shell script (I uploaded as lower.sh, then made executable with chmod 777 lower.sh then ran with ./lower.sh) to recurse through sub-directories setting everything to lower case (only need to do it once between updates), it may be that those errors are the result of some files still being in mixed case.

Use at your own risk, I don't sprechen sie Linux terribly good.


# Filename: rename.sh
# Description: Renames files and folders to lowercase recursively
#              from the current directory
# Variables: Source = x
#            Destination = y

# Rename all directories. This will need to be done first.

# Process each directory’s contents before the directory  itself
find * -depth -type d | while read x

       # Translate Caps to Small letters
       # Space > Underscore # y=$(echo "$x" | tr '[A-Z ]' '[a-z_]');
	y=$(echo "$x" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]');

       # create directory if it does not exit
       if [ ! -d "$y" ]; then
               mkdir -p "$y";

       # check if the source and destination is the same
       if [ "$x" != "$y" ]; then

               # move directory files before deleting
               ls -A "$x" | while read i
                 mv "$x"/"$i" "$y";
               rmdir "$x";



# Rename all files
find * -type f | while read x ;
       # Translate Caps to Small letters
       # Space > Underscore # y=$(echo "$x" | tr '[A-Z ]' '[a-z_]');
	y=$(echo "$x" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]');
       if [ "$x" != "$y" ]; then
               mv "$x" "$y";

exit 0

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i ve tried your script but when i launch arma2server it doesn t work ... same error!!!!

./arma2server: line 31: arma2/2302.run: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type

:~/arma2$ nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

Edited by CrZy

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What user are you running it as?

Have you set the correct permissions on all files and folders?

i.e. chown <username>:users <gamedir> -R

What's entered in the arma2server configuration block?








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yes the user that i use it s the owner of the directory. and permissions are in 775.

i have got all in the arma2 directory.

that is my arma2server configuration:








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What folder are you running this from? According to your config block it should be the folder above your \arma2\ directory. If you're running it from the same folder then ARMA_DIR should be


Other than that I have no idea, hopefully Killswitch will pass by this way.

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What folder are you running this from? According to your config block it should be the folder above your \arma2\ directory. If you're running it from the same folder then ARMA_DIR should be


Other than that I have no idea, hopefully Killswitch will pass by this way.

That'll be my suggestion aswell. :) ARMA_DIR should be left at "." or be set to the full path to the directory where ArmA II is. For example:


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ok i try ;)


---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

no it doesn t work but i have change value:

because im in home/myuser/arma2

and in arma2 i have got rep like addons, dta, etc...

and the standalone linux files....

now this is my arma2server cfg:








and with these value i havent got error when i launch ./arma2server check

ArmA 2 directory: . OK

Server executable: ./server OK

Port number: 2302

Config file: server.cfg OK

PID file: /2302.pid

RUN file: /2302.run


---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

now i ve got error another error with the permissions ....

i dont understand because i ve got all right with these files:

i m the owner and i put in 0777

thats the console message:

starting ArmA 2 server...

./arma2server: line 31: /2302.run: Permission non accordée

nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

Edited by CrZy

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Keep the default values there:


When you use for example


it means that the server will try to write to a file in the root of the file system ("/"). You aren't allowed to do that.

Edited by Killswitch

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ok i retry by default bu ti have the same message :

Starting ArmA 2 server...

nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

i don t understand why it doesn t work.....

the ./server it work perfectly and i can play ......

when you make an ./arma2server check

what have you got ??????

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ok i retry by default bu ti have the same message :

Starting ArmA 2 server...

nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

The nohup message is diagnostic and should not affect things. However, it shouldn't be visible at all if you use the original arma2server script that comes with BIS dedicated server tar archive.
i don t understand why it doesn t work.....

the ./server it work perfectly and i can play ......

when you make an ./arma2server check

what have you got ??????

As an example, here's how it looks when you do it for an A2 server installed in the home directory of a user called "foo", in a subdirectory named "a2s":

[foo@localhost a2s]$ ./arma2server check
ArmA 2 directory: /home/foo/a2s/arma2server OK
Server executable: /home/foo/a2s/arma2server/server OK
Port number: 2302
Config file: server.cfg OK
PID file: /home/foo/a2s/arma2server/2302.pid
RUN file: /home/foo/a2s/arma2server/2302.run
[foo@localhost a2s]$

When I run the server using the start script, this is all that's printed:

[foo@localhost a2s2]$ ./arma2server start
Starting ArmA 2 server...
[foo@localhost a2s]$

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this is my log 2302

where is the error ?

WATCHDOG (31599): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:48 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

WATCHDOG (31628): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:48 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

Addon 'CAA10' requires addon 'CAAir'

18:22:48 Dedicated host created.

WATCHDOG (28495): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:49 (UTC+0100)] Server died, waiting to restart...

File server.cfg, line 5: '.might': 'n' encountered instead of '='

Critical:Destroying running thread!

Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_30mm_HE/

Updating base class ->CA_Magazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/VehicleMagazine/

Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B/

Updating base class ->MissileLauncher, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/SidewinderLaucher/

WATCHDOG (32444): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:51 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

Error context ot turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers

WATCHDOG (28506): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:53 (UTC+0100)] Server died, waiting to restart...

Addon 'CAA10' requires addon 'CAAir'

18:22:54 Dedicated host created.

File server.cfg, line 5: '.might': 'n' encountered instead of '='

Critical:Destroying running thread!

WATCHDOG (28495): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:54 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

Warning Message: Addon 'CAA10' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_AH64D' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CAAir2' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CruiseMissile' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_AIR2_Su25' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CAAir3' requires addon 'CAAir'

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/

Error context ot turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/

WATCHDOG (30677): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:57 (UTC+0100)] Server died, waiting to restart...

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this is my log 2302

where is the error ?

WATCHDOG (31599): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:48 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

WATCHDOG (31628): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:48 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

Addon 'CAA10' requires addon 'CAAir'

18:22:48 Dedicated host created.

WATCHDOG (28495): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:49 (UTC+0100)] Server died, waiting to restart...

File server.cfg, line 5: '.might': 'n' encountered instead of '='

Critical:Destroying running thread!

Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_30mm_HE/

Updating base class ->CA_Magazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/VehicleMagazine/

Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B/

Updating base class ->MissileLauncher, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/SidewinderLaucher/

WATCHDOG (32444): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:51 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

Error context ot turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers

WATCHDOG (28506): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:53 (UTC+0100)] Server died, waiting to restart...

Addon 'CAA10' requires addon 'CAAir'

18:22:54 Dedicated host created.

File server.cfg, line 5: '.might': 'n' encountered instead of '='

Critical:Destroying running thread!

WATCHDOG (28495): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:54 (UTC+0100)] Starting server (port 2302)...

Warning Message: Addon 'CAA10' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_AH64D' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CAAir2' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_CruiseMissile' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CA_AIR2_Su25' requires addon 'CAAir'

Warning Message: Addon 'CAAir3' requires addon 'CAAir'

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/

Error context ot turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/

WATCHDOG (30677): [samedi 9 janvier 2010, 18:22:57 (UTC+0100)] Server died, waiting to restart...

It looks as if there are several server instances running at the same time. First, run "./arma2server stop", and then use

$ ps ax|grep "arma2server"

to find the other arma2 server processes. There are going to be two processes for each arma2 instance running - one bash script watchdog process and the actual arma2 server. Example:

$ ps ax | grep "arma2server"
11722 pts/0    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./arma2server watchdog
11724 pts/0    Sl     0:24 /home/foo/a2s/server -server -config=server.cfg -port=2302 -pid=/home/foo/a2s/2302.pid

In this example, one would have to do

$ kill 11722 11724

to get rid of it.

Then kill all of them and their associated watchdog process (it will be a bash process). (If that's too complicated, just reboot the server)

Also, could you show us how your "server.cfg" file looks? I think it has a few errors in it...

Edited by Killswitch

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i had a problem with my server.cfg

all is OK !!!!!

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