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"Enemy spotted" event?

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is there a way to start a skript when a unit has just spotted an enemy?

Also, is there some sort of array saved for each unit containing all the 'knowsabout' values, and if so, how can we get access to it?

Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I'm stuck.

Thanks in advance,


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What about creating a trigger, drawing a F2 line from a "unit_to_be_spotted" to this trigger and setting it to "Detected by West" and executing an Init line with script?

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What about creating a trigger, drawing a F2 line from a "unit_to_be_spotted" to this trigger and setting it to "Detected by West" and executing an Init line with script?

Thanks Icebreakr. That works of course. But my little script should run for ALL units... that would kill performance if I did it with a 'detected by' trigger.

I am also very interested in such an event.

I guess I will post a feature request for a 'spotted' event. Something like that has to be there already, at least internally.

EDIT: Done. Request ticked created at DevHeaven

Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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