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High Command and Switchable Units.

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Can anyone point me in the direction as to how to re-enableAI movement for a switchable unit in high command?

What I would like to do, is to make units switchable by radio command so as to allow the player the option of playing different units without the option of having 5 or 6 switchable units to start a mission as in the heat of battle it gets confusing at times.

So, my mission is based around a Mechanized Infantry Company. The Player Start is the Company Commander who is the high commander. But, I would like to give ther player the option of playing say, the platoon leaders as well, when needed. When they are not needed, he can make them unswitchable and relinquish command back to the AI.

I have tried the enableAI/DisableAI commands, but they do not work. I have also asked a veteran player about it as he's been a big help to me in the past. But he kind of thinks that there is a conflict with the High commmand system and the enable/disableAi command.

I understand how to make units switchable and unswitchable, its just getting the units to move again after they have been made unswitchable that I am having an issue with.

Also, on an unrelated topic is it possible to make subunit commanders in HC?

Meaning, if the player starts as a Company Commander who controls 4 platoons and all of their units, can a platoon commander command just his platoon? If a company has 16 squads, the High Commander controls each squad and four of those squads would be a platoon leader who in turn controls, via HC, his 3 squads that are only in his platoon?


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the trouble is that if you switch to the leader of a group and then you revert back to the high commander you will lose the control of that squad but you can always move it with hc module,just their leader will lose the authority...

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the trouble is that if you switch to the leader of a group and then you revert back to the high commander you will lose the control of that squad but you can always move it with hc module,just their leader will lose the authority...

OK, so thats a fact. Theres no way around it really than. I think I know what you mean as far as losing command of the squad, although I have only seen that happen when entering a vehicle. For instance, if I am at a squad leaders control, I than switch to HC and order his group to "Get in" (nearest) the squad than does that and when I switch back, I control the former squad leader.

I was hoping there was a way around that.

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