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Adding Custom Music [Possible Solution]

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Hey all,

Been wanting for a while too add my own music to Arma 2.

I spent the whole day today remixing and collecting songs and converting them and preparing them.

However I tried to make an addon by editing the Config file in the original "Music.pbo" file which contains the original music files for Arma 2.

in the config i changed the names of each song and their file paths to suit a modfolder.

e.g. Track01_Suspicion_In_You

file path


I did this for the following 18 tracks and 4 ambient tracks and pbo'd it and stuck it in a modfolder called "@Immersion_Music" however nothing worked.

Probably done something wrong ?? (do I need a bisign key for that?)


So after that I tried just replacing the original sound files for Arma 2 with my own by renaming them to the originals and overwriting them and then re-pboing them and then I placed "music.pbo" back into the main "Addons" folder in the Arma 2 directory.

And it worked! The only downside is that the songs have the original Arma 2 song names so its a bit hard trying to figure out which ones are which.


I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this and knows a better way or how to get it to work as an addon?


P.S. "Barra Barra" from Black Hawk Down sounds so amazing when your flying a Black Hawk in Arma 2 :D

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I've been wanting to do this too and I also tried your second solution to replace the death music but I get no music in game at all. The game doesn't seem to like the pbo I made. Can I ask which tools you used to unpbo and pack?

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Post the config here, but just from the example you posted I can tell you got the path wrong.

It's supposed to start with the pbo name. For example "dfs_test\track1.ogg".

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