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Destroy vehicle when empty

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OK guys,

I searched for how to do this and found some handy bits of sqf script to use but am having trouble with this script I am writing, this is my first time writing a script from scratch so please excuse any obvious mistakes I am making.

I just want my script to monitor the vehicle that I am executing it on, and when the vehicle is empty (crew == 0). Then I want the vehicle to be destroyed.

Here is my script....

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_run = true;

while {_run} do
if (count crew _vehicle == 0) then {_vehicle setDamage 1};

and here is how I execute it on the vehicle...

nul = [this] execVM "destroy.sqf"

I appreciate any help you could give me.


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if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_run = true;

while {_run} do
 if ((count (crew _vehicle)) == 0) then 
   _vehicle setDamage 1;
   _run = false;

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if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_run = true;

while {_run} do
 if ((count (crew _vehicle)) == 0) then 
   _vehicle setDamage 1;
   _run = false;

Awesome, worked perfectly, thanks a lot :)

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Oh, it's recommended to add some sleeping in "while" loop, because currently it checks several times per second what is unnecesary heavy.


if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_run = true;

while {_run} do
 if ((count (crew _vehicle)) == 0) then 
   _vehicle setDamage 1;
   _run = false;
 sleep 1;

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Thank you for that sleep suggestion, cuts down on the resources. How might I add an or statement in this script so that it also executes when either the driver or gunner are dead?



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