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You can not play/edit this mission

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Hey all,

I just patched 1.05, and now I am getting this message when trying to join many servers. I am guessing they are mods. I did a forum search and many things came back. And to sound lazy many have many pages. Looking over a few I didnt see any with what I was looking for. But I am guessing that I need the ACE mods? My message usually contains things like this:



So could I get an pinch of help? Is this what I need? What other MODs do most servers run? Which ones should I look to DL?

Thank you for your time and effort.

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When you try to join a server that gives you that error message,

basically its telling you that you need what the message is telling you which contains the files in a mod that is required,

so if it says your missing like the first post



then you need Ace mod and Acex to play.

get them here:

ACEMOD http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8602

ACEX http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8603

install ace mod first then acex x stands for extras.

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I started a scenario (Trial By Fire) after installing the mods ACE, CBA, and RWS. The difficulty was set to veteran, as I have been playing ARMA 2 for over a year. I also have OA installed.

I got my butt kicked (as usual when playing on veteran), I tried to "Revert" to the auto-save, and got this message:

"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.acex_wep_hk, acex_main, acex_m_wep_hk, acex_s_wep_hk"

I am currently downloading ACEX v1.8 and seeing if this will resolve this issue. Otherwise, I can't load from the autosave.

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Game dont lie when it gives you this message:

"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted."

If it says your missing these

acex_wep_hk, acex_main, acex_m_wep_hk, acex_s_wep_hk

then like your doing Acex is required which contains those files your getting the error about.

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Im getting the You cannot.....acex_wep_hk. I'm getting this when playing the Harvest Red solo campaign with Ace2/Acex not active. Do I need to uninstall Ace2 etc?

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From what i've heard, the original campaigns work best without MODs.

But if you loaded a MOD then started a campaign/mission and saved... you would need to have that MOD loaded again to continue, otherwise you get errors. Hence, be sure what MODs you want loaded before starting a campaign/mission. Else deactivate the MODs and restart the campaign/mission from the beginning.

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Ahah! Got it! I've been running VopSound 2.3 and hadn't removed the two 'ACE' specific .pbo's (and bikeys) from the addons folder. That fixed 'er. Wheehoo!

P.S. Lots of Veterans here. Thank you on this Veterans Day, and on all days. Proud to have stood in your mighty company.

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