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Reserved Pilot Slots for: ACE 2 co@40_Domination_1_25A2

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ty! already tried that! USMC_Soldier_Pilot entered that, but now i can't enter the helicopters as a pilot! where do i have to add the other half of it?

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what does it say ? writing anything on screen ? because there is a time limit for flying.default 30 min.

thats fixed forgot the " " :o

however i've added the pilot names: "pilot_1","pilot_2" etc to the "can repair" stuff but it won't let me repair anything! why?

i've also tried putting the names with "can use artillery; doesn't work

and putting it "can drop"(humvee/m119) which works!

WEIRD! why does the drop work and none of the others?

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artillery doesnt work.Asked while ago xeno and said its impossible for now.can repair is working.You sholudnt change the names like pilot_1, etc. used the defined ones.Because that names are defined and used many other scripts parts.

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artillery doesnt work.Asked while ago xeno and said its impossible for now.can repair is working.You sholudnt change the names like pilot_1, etc. used the defined ones.Because that names are defined and used many other scripts parts.

problem is! there no pilots from the start

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Change only men class,not his name. for example duble click on bravo_1 and make him pilot.But be sure he is still bravo_1.Ä°f you are going to add extra slots with different names its lot of work.

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Change only men class,not his name. for example duble click on bravo_1 and make him pilot.But be sure he is still bravo_1.Ä°f you are going to add extra slots with different names its lot of work.

yea going to use that! problem is with the last ACE 2 Update(friday) yesterday, i can't open my missions anymore in editor :S

Edited by BelgarionNL

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i am using ace too uptated firday and everything is fine.

for some reason my missions are stored in otherprofiles/Belgarion/missions! weird!

---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

you can lock it! question solved

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