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error compiling pixelshader PSSSSMSpecularAlpha:1

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hi every time i trie to use a beta patch,

i get the: error compiling pixelshader PSSSSMSpecularAlpha:1, crash

why is somebudyelse with the same problem ??

and no its not pirated

o it happened with the the current and previous patch

never happened before


AMD Phenom x4 965, 8gb corsair ddr3, 2x HD4890 VaporX ''CFX'', winxp x64

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Why do you need 2 threads on the same subject?

Furthermore this has been asked like a billion times before, a simple search would give you the answer.

Use the shortcut created in your ARMA 2 directory after installing the beta.

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leave him alone deadfast! LEEEEAVE HIIM ALLOooOOoOoNNE!!!!!!

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