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Dumb Question about KeyPoints (giving Names)

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Hey there, after Searching a while and getting lazy after some Pages i decided to make a new Thread.

I put those Keypoints on the Map to give Names to Citys for Example.

I always end up with an Error when Binarizing, i tried some Time to find the Error but i just gave it up now. I looked in the config of Chernaruss how its done and made it similar to it but it didnt work! My Map is finished but i need to the Name the Towns!

Heres and Example of My .hpp file with the Names. This shows the first lines of the file. (told the config.cpp to include it)


class town


name="Villa Riba";







I had it like this to, (based on Chernarus.cpp)

class vill_Villa_Riba








WTF did i made wrong?

Please help :)



P.s. I changed the Name etc. only in the .hpp file, do i have to change anything in Visitor???

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Any time you work on your map in Visitor and then save the project (.pew) the export the world as .wrp, the islandname.hpp which contains the keypoint names is output as well.

Noticed also that the last curly brace in each name definition is lacking a final ';' in your examples.


Edited by Planck

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Okay i found out that my Visitor seemed to missed a KPTypes.dat

I made one ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1075630&postcount=178 ) and made new Keypoints on the Map.

I saved the project and the new wrp file. Ang got something like this:

class $


name="West Airport";






class $


name="East Airport";






Now it got those ';' in the end of the brackets.

Note that i made class name $ because i had no idea of what to write in it :/

However i tried to binarize again but i still got that error:

I says "error in config.cpp" is this normal when the error seems to be in the other file?

Because the config seemed always fine when testing ingame until i startet that keypoint stuff :/

To make things short ill show you my config.cpp part with that include stuff:

class CfgWorlds


class CAWorld;

class Utes: CAWorld


class Grid;

class DefaultClutter;


class DynamicWar: Utes


description = "DynamicWar Map";

worldName= "\DynamicWar\DynamicWar.wrp";

pictureShot = "\DynamicWar\data\SM_Picture_ca.paa";

centerPosition[] = {5120,5120,500};

seagullPos[] = {5120,5120,500};

longitude = 30; // positive is east, in degrees?

latitude = -45; // positive is south, in degrees?

class Names


#include "DynamicWar.hpp"




Hope this helps



Edited by Commander1985

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You can't have 2 classes with the same name ... i.e. class $ ... twice.

Give some meaningful name like 'class East_Airport' and 'class West_Airport' ... etc.


Edited by Planck

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Okay i gave them other class names, and made sure they dont exist twice.

I still get an error :/

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I share your pain.

Here is one of my named places:

class palmseaf


name = "Palms EAF";

position[] = {3349, 10375};

type = "NameCityCapital";

// speech = "Palms E A F"; <-- I can't get this to work yet

radiusA = 50;

radiusB = 50;

angle = 0.000000;


The only thing that immediately comes to mind is that you might be "double" calling the class Names { }; if your "DynamicWar.hpp" also has that class information.

Verify that is correct and let me know if it is giving you a specific error.

On a side note, has anyone figure out the "Speech" function yet?

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I dont think its double, but i made a new try...

Turned description from this:

class West Airport


name="West Airport";






to this:

class West Airport1


name="West Airport";






still dont work :(

im gonna cry^^

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I have never seen a 'speech =' line in any of my islandname.hpp' files output by Visitor.

Where did you first get it?

Checking in the Visitor section for input of Keypoints I can see no facility to input a speech related value either and it certainly doesn't output one to the .hpp file.

@ Commander1985

You must not have a space character in your classnames, use an underscore.


Edited by Planck

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Still dont work :(

Looks like this now:

class West_Airport1


name="West Airport";






Edited by Commander1985

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Wouldn't a "speech" parameter require some kind of associated voice sample or audio file?? I fooled around with the "neighbors" parameter a bit trying to get ALICE-spawned civs to "know about" stuff in adjoining villages - I almost imagined once that I had some old baboushka trying to tell me about troops in neighbouring Paraiso once, but she either just didn't have a word for "Paraiso", or maybe she was drunk (or maybe I was :))

Anyway... I can't see anything wrong with your <nameofisland>.hpp Commander1985...

Here's a chunk from my test terrain...

class Fionnphort








class Isle_of_Mull


name="Isle of Mull";






class Craignure








Looks pretty much identical to yours...

You are "including" this file correctly in your main config like this??...

class Names


#include "<nameofisland>.hpp"


... might be an error elsewhere in your config??


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Might be,

heres my complete config.cpp

class CfgPatches


class DynamicWar


units[] = {DynamicWar};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.03;

requiredAddons[] = {"Utes"};

version = "2009-9-1";

fileName = "DynamicWar.pbo";

author = "Commander";

mail = "";



class CfgWorlds


class CAWorld;

class Utes: CAWorld


class Grid;

class DefaultClutter;


class DynamicWar: Utes


description = "DynamicWar Map";

worldName= "\DynamicWar\DynamicWar.wrp";

pictureShot = "\DynamicWar\data\SM_Picture_ca.paa";

centerPosition[] = {2720,2462,500};

seagullPos[] = {2720,2462,500};

longitude = 30; // positive is east, in degrees?

latitude = -45; // positive is south, in degrees?

class Names


#include "DynamicWar.hpp"




class CfgWorldList


class DynamicWar {};


class CfgMissions


class Cutscenes


class DynamicWarIntro


directory = "DynamicWar\data\scenes\Intro.DynamicWar";





#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

As i told, it worked fine until i startet adding Keypoints, btw when i test the map i always get the airfield of utes in my minimap and the townnames of strelka and kameny, anyway to avoid that? (compiled it without keypoints for testing)

Thx in Advance!

Commander Hopeless :P

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Okay i found the Error, it was in my .HPP File.

Dont use these little fellas : ä ; ö ; ü

That was all :)

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