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It's ok sir, I know what the FH servers are like... you can backdown.. smile.gif

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Rage man it's cool. Jealousy will often raise it's ugly head no matter where you go or what you do.

We can't please everyone all the time... but I know we please the majority just based on the fact that we have 6 OFP servers running and our Public servers are almost always full. (We host servers for several Clans)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ April 04 2002,22:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ April 04 2002,21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What about new addons etc? If they screw up something in ya ofp... are u allowed to say "blabla addon suck"?<span id='postcolor'>

One would hope a person would be more constructive than that, how is somebody supposed to improve something if the only feedback they get is "it sucks"? smile.gif

I understand you're only giving your opinion about their server, but unless I'm mistaken this isn't the only time and place you've made such comments about their servers?

With so few people willing to provide deddy servers on the scale that they do I would just hope we can all find a way to be happy or at the very least be tolerable towards each other smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Actually yes it is the first time ive said anything about there server on this board.

Ive complained many times on their server.

The map im talking about (cant remember the name) in on Malden. Where some starts off in a-10s, some on cobras, and some on ground (west team). West respawn in placed just southeast of the airport... its a CTF. It has a kill safezone, but since you can drive into about 300 meters from where you respawn and shell the beach (Thats where u respawn), theres no point with that trigger unless the opposit team understand the princip of gameplay.

And theres actually nothing you can do,since these shells also destroys the ammocrates making it impossible to shoot back at the tanks with more than your m16... which is rather pointless.

And when I get into your server, im told that i should stay in poll and wait for some1 to assign me... its like that for every1.

Im not the only one that dont like these kind of games.... its like every1 on west team (since thats where the "n000bs" will get assigned).

I dont know what server of yours im playing, but ive never played a mission on ya server without 40+ tanks on each side.... except for "plane frenzy".

IMHO, these maps ruin the OFP athmospheare.... moving slowly in the woods towards an enemy infantry squad... Knowing to be killed each second and you have to walk all the way there again. Just lay in a bush, observer te enemies and wait for the right moment where all ya guys attack.

By having such a number of vehicles... people on a ffa server just graps their own tank, full speed towards the enemy, and tryes to shoot aything they see.

Also, IMHO desert island the a really BAAAD BAAAD thing for OFP. Its good for testing new scripts and addons, but thats about it.

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Espectro... we have all different types of missions.

However, most (believe it or not) people love the missions with several vehicles of all types. Maybe you don't appreciate all that OFP can do (many games such as MOHAA and DOD have infantry only)... but that doesn't mean others do.

Do you even realize how many people LOVE Plane Frenzy? Yeah it's not a normal mission but man it shows what this game CAN do and it is FUN. Just Plain Silly FUN smile.gif

I make all types of Missions... from a Black OP night mission called Ultimate Extraction where you have to Paradrop in to save some captive soldiers and you walk through the woods at night to attack a base where with any step you could trip a land mine that blows up infantry not just tanks. To a mission like CTF Deliverance where you are a RedNeck Civilian with a shotgun against Hillbilly Civilians with Shotguns.

It seems you just do not appreciate the game and it's capabilities. All you can think about is JIP, JIP, JIP and Shoot my gun, Shoot my gun... and then complain about this and complain about that.


Oh and I have seen you on our server and honestly I treated you very nicely. I placed you on the side you wanted to play on. You know what... I didn't hear you say a word while you were on the server as you said you did. Nope... you gotta come to these Public Forums and outright bash our server. And that is not right... if you don't like our server then please do not play there... no one will twist your arm... after all it is a free server we provide for people to play on. We have many that love our servers and they will continue to play there everyday...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigQEd @ April 05 2002,11:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>


Soory... I just couldnt help it?!

Have you been completely misreading me all the time??!

First of all... I appreciate all the aspects of OFP, i really do.. but one of the aspects i also appreciate, is realism.

In real life you dont justboard your desired tank, rush into an enemy camp and try to take out all the defense. Tanks never work alone, and they never engage enemy bases either (or very rare), infact... they shoot the enemy from kilometers away. I know that OFP cant handle this... but I think you get my point... or well, not actually i dont since uve been misreading me all the time anyway.

Uhm, ive never played DOD, and ive tryed MOHAA once at a friends house.... But.. sorry, i dont get the point :/

I love plane frenzy... as i said twice in this thread if you read what I wrote... i doubt you have.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I make all types of Missions... from a Black OP night mission called Ultimate Extraction where you have to Paradrop in to save some captive soldiers and you walk through the woods at night to attack a base where with any step you could trip a land mine that blows up infantry not just tanks. To a mission like CTF Deliverance where you are a RedNeck Civilian with a shotgun against Hillbilly Civilians with Shotguns.<span id='postcolor'>


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It seems you just do not appreciate the game and it's capabilities. All you can think about is JIP, JIP, JIP and Shoot my gun, Shoot my gun... and then complain about this and complain about that.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmmm.... Do I laugh or cry now? Frankly, I dont know.

But since you judge me on one single question about the new netcode... I can only judge you by that... Be a little openminded.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh and I have seen you on our server and honestly I treated you very nicely. I placed you on the side you wanted to play on. You know what... I didn't hear you say a word while you were on the server as you said you did. Nope... you gotta come to these Public Forums and outright bash our server. And that is not right... if you don't like our server then please do not play there... no one will twist your arm... after all it is a free server we provide for people to play on. We have many that love our servers and they will continue to play there everyday...<span id='postcolor'>

Well, since I only complain when theres something to complain about, and not just join your server because i want to flame something or someone.... I would probably have played on your server in a mission I like... And if I remember correctly, it was Plane frenzy ver2.

Yea, ive played on your server many times. And the only reason is that there ARE times with good missions, and cool teamplay, but they are just too rare... and many of the missions selected doesnt help it a bit.

Im sure you are all nice guys, but you should also think about the "n00bs" joining ya server and not just regulars. Noone likes to be spawncamped etc.

I do understand that you want to play with your friends... but it IS a ffa server... theres no need to make it even more ffa.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigQEd @ April 05 2002,04:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Rage man it's cool. Jealousy will often raise it's ugly head no matter where you go or what you do.<span id='postcolor'>


sorry tounge.gif

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How can you fail to mention "Stoners House of Pancakes?"

They run a fast server, maybe not as fast as the FragHause ones, but fast enough to where I hardly ever notice lag. I'm on cable and on an average, I get a 90 ping at Stoners where I can get a very steady 60 at Fraghause. Of course, when I do play OFP online, I play all day so in the morning til about 6 P.M. my pings at Stoners are 50-60ms. After that, I notice the popularity of cable in my area and jump up to 120 sometimes.

They run solid maps and the same people are usually playing so you can hook up with someone you know and start working as a team.

I'm sorry but FragHause maps aren't good for what I'm looking for. Yea, I want to have fun but my idea of fun is working as a team for a serious objective. A serious objective is capturing and holding a series of towns with an appropriate amount of vehicles and manpower. Plane Frenzy IMHO is not a fun map and is an example of the types of maps that FragHause runs. I played FragHause before I found Stoners and only go back to a FragHouse server when Stoners is full. Kind of funny how theres always room on a FragHause server.

FragHouse is good for people new to OFP online but once they get "Serious," they should look for another server like "Stoners House of Pancakes."

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm sorry but FragHause maps aren't good for what I'm looking for. Yea, I want to have fun but my idea of fun is working as a team for a serious objective. A serious objective is capturing and holding a series of towns with an appropriate amount of vehicles and manpower. Plane Frenzy IMHO is not a fun map and is an example of the types of maps that FragHause runs. I played FragHause before I found Stoners and only go back to a FragHouse server when Stoners is full. Kind of funny how theres always room on a FragHause server.

FragHouse is good for people new to OFP online but once they get "Serious," they should look for another server like "Stoners House of Pancakes." <span id='postcolor'>


Anyway, do u have the ip of stoners server?


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Sure, It's listed on the "All Seeing Eye" server list but here's the IP (

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shortbus @ April 05 2002,10:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">FragHouse is good for people new to OFP online but once they get "Serious," they should look for another server like "Stoners House of Pancakes."<span id='postcolor'>

LOL... FragHaus has been around much longer than Stoner's... and I can tell you that we have people that have played there from day one.

Understand FragHaus is much more advanced and I bet you 10:1 that the FragHaus regs could kick the sheit out of Stoner's regs smile.gif

We know the game and have done so many missions it's not funny. We do serious missions and we do fun missions. We aren't boring... and we don't limit.

It's cool... I understand you wanting to promote your server. I just ask you not to bash ours.

I can say this... FragHaus is not for the unskilled or faint of heart. smile.gif

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Ed I dont know what the arguing here is for.

Frag has a good server , but with a more arcade feel to the maps. Quick action, and killing. If your lookin for some instant action, and fun thats the server for you.

If that is not what your in the mood for, and you want more stratigic realism maps, then dont go there. I dont see how you can complain about something you get free! Frag isnt charging you to play there.

Now as far as the admins at frag, well lol we been there already, lets not go back. Outside of the game we get along, but inside ...lol.

And if you think I am a frag fan well your wrong. I am and have been banned from their server for a long time. I would say that frag is hookin up a free place to play OFP, and you cant really complain about the maps they play since you arent paying for the server.

And before it comes up. Yes I criticised frag, but it wasnt about the server or the maps, it was a difference of opinion between myself and the admins.

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Promoting my server? Do you think I'm an Admin at Stoners? I just play there every day because the levels they run appeal to me.

Also, I'm not bashing or challenging FragHaus. You guys have your own niche and that's fine. It's just not for me and from the looks of it, it's not for some of the other people here either.

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Good evasion Shortbus tounge.gif

Everyone fears FHA and the FragHaus regs... heh... too much playing time under the belt as a group wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BigQEd @ April 07 2002,13:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Good evasion Shortbus tounge.gif

Everyone fears FHA and the FragHaus regs... heh... too much playing time under the belt as a group  wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>


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Haha, I was trying to be polite but if you really want a battle, you know where I'll be ;-)

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I'd venture that the bottom line is this:

Each server offers a different type of gameplay experience. Play at the one that offers your favorite.

If any server representatives want to describe the gameplay at their server, here would be a good place to do it.

And please, this shouldn't be a competitive thing.

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It shouldn't be competitive but it turns out that way...my fiber is bigger than your fiber kinda thing. =)


I run my own server--KaRRiLLioN's Opflash BootCamp

On an Athlon XP 1900+

1.5 GB RAM

Win2k Advanced Server

Full T-1 with only Opflash using it after 5pm =)

There's only one time I even care about when my server is full--when I decide I want to play. =)  I only run the server from 5pm Eastern - 8am ET but it's up all weekend from Fri 5pm-Monday 8am.

I have a large regular crowd averaging from 30-36 players every night and most of them are pretty good.  We play a large mix of strategy missions--I make most of the missions, but if people have requests, then I let them upload them to me. Also, I let the players choose the teams they want to play on, but if I think that one team has a lot more skilled players than the other, I'll mix em up a bit to even out the teams skill-wise and ping wise, although I normally don't have to do that. Since most of the players like to have a fun game rather than a lopsided 2000-0 victory, they'll choose teams based on that. This helps the n00bs out because they have a team leader who knows what to do and can help get them past that rough first stage. After that most of those n00bs come back for more, and I've seen some really good players develop from that.

Right now some of the missions are

CTF (duh!wink.gif Range from large number of vehicles, to no vehicles at all.  Several 3-way CTF's as well

CH-Cap and hold, large variety of sizes, some with tons of vehicles, some with very few.  I even have some 3-way CH's.  I also have some silly ones like Tiny Island and Tiny Town Tankfest.  

ESC-escape/assassination types.  Typically one team is on the run from a very large enemy force and has to make it somewhere to score.

RTS-real time strategy.  These missions are kind of like Command and Conquer, and I just finished them.  Basically you start out with a mobile command center that you set up somewhere and then build vehicles, recycle destroyed vehicles, Engineers can repair almost anything, etc.  It's a lot of fun, but you need to learn how to do things, otherwise your team will get walloped.

CTV-Capture the vehicles.  I made Carjack, Gone in 60 seconds, Grand Theft Auto just for kicks.  People seem to love the missions, although they are more for fun than anything.  It's like CTF but you snag enemy vehicles

DTV-Destroy the vehicles..almost like Team DM, but each team starts out with a certain number of tanks or something and has to defeat the other team's tanks, etc.


Anyway, just remember, there are tons of servers each with a different atmosphere...some are very silly, some are very serious, it's really up to you, the player to decide what you like best.  I'm glad to see so many servers, that means that a game I love should have an online presence for a while.  Insofar as lag goes, I'd say that every server, regardless of connection will have lag, mainly because the client connection is the bottleneck, and if UDP is the protocol, then there will be lost packets more often than not.  

Look around and play at several servers before you settle into one.  It's almost like shopping for a house, but it's free! (unless you host it perhaps)

Good luck!

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Well first off you suck....LOL [imho]

We pick teams 90% of the time..

Alloutwar , Highnoon, The hills etc,etc,etc are all over the place.  But you say they suck? LOL

your right the admins do suck though.......

Ohhh and one last thing. How come our server is always full ?

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So much for not being competitive.

Stoner's House of Pancakes

24 players max, often packed during peak hours.

Hosted in Houston, TX by Walden Internet Villages.

Server owner: Stoner





Most missions are homemade, exclusively for the server by myself and a few other regulars.  They focus on tactical play, requiring a team to cover several areas at once to win.  Safe zones, reload on respawn, and vehicle respawn are standard.

Stop by sometime ;D

Another note, we always run veteran mode and 3rd person view is always disabled. We think this evens out the playing field between infantry and vehicles.

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When FragHaus finally got to a good map, meaning one with a worthy objective, I said "great! Finally a map worth playing." Ya know what happened? People were so used to being childish from the other maps that you run so the whole team started to TK each other. I wasn't quick to dismiss the server though, I played for another week and night after night it was a repeat. Maybe FragHaus does have some good players, but they certainly didn't show their skill when I played there. Stoners is competitive night after night and runs a great set of maps.

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You know... its intersting to really read through and note some of the points used against some of the maps on Frag... "boring with each side having 50+ tanks" seriously? count them before you make unfounded, exaggerated claims plz, thnx. Eat some cornflakes and do some research. I believe desert rumble, as an example, has 40ish tanks, thats 40ish total. And the nonsense about being place on the noob squad, etc etc is all correct. Until you prove yourself worthy, you have virtualy no voice...

This is the part where you stand up, and state loudly "But on the <insert favorite> server im a regular/admin/mapmaker"

oh, now i say, "true but if I were to visit your server, id be shuffled in with the noobs" wink.gif

You have to build a reputation on a server before you can opinionate as to its faults. "judge not lest ye be judged"... how many maps have you complainers submited to fraghaus? oh i see, its easier to point at the problem than to sit down and try and solve it.

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Shortbus... go tell someone who cares smile.gif

FragHaus has more players than any server out there.

FragHaus has more servers than anyone out there.

FragHaus has more bandwidth than anyone out there.

FragHaus has more fun than any server out there.

Ya'll just need to chill... cuz it's all about FUN!

weeeeeeeeeeee... tounge.gif

(I'm not competitve... I just win)

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