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SP Mission *First War* v 1.0

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First War v 1.0

by Kheiro





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You are currently engaged in a training We have received reports of increasing activities hostile to the interests of Russia in the region and the result of the termination reference training and send your unit to strengthen the camp of the brave.

Recently several secret missions of special forces Russian had received stiff resistance from enemy forces, killing many of the best soldiers.

Russian army is going to launch an attack near the beach and the main objective is the airport, Napa army had taken control of the situation in an attempt to overthrow and eliminate the resistance

Missions plan :

1- Clear Kamnka

2- Take control the Airport


- Briefing/Overview/Choose Gear

- Reinforcement

- Massive battle


Intro/Outro: yes

Briefings: Full brieifing, notes

Created for Arma2 version: 1.4

Testing: Localised Beta - 1 playthroughs trying to do stupid things.

Size: (eg: 25mb)

Difficulty: normal

Supports SP: SP only

Cadet/Veteran mode variation: Eg: None.

Island/towns: chernarus

Core game style: Infantry

Scale: Long transit, small assault force, Variable/unknown enemy strength

Duration: about 30 mins max

Weather/Time: Clear, 11am

Addons required:

* extraUnit&vehicle

download mission


Edited by kheiro

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You'll have to decrease the file size of the pictures. They're mostly all over the 100kb limit. Also, why is your first picture from Modern Warfare 2? :confused:

Edit: Scratch that, you changed them. But the question still remains.

Edited by Zipper5
Changed the images

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why is your first picture from Modern Warfare 2?

because i have script transport is like picture cofm2

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When I get close to the village "Kamenyka", there is a big FPS drop (-20). Is there any explanation for this?

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When I get close to the village "Kamenyka", there is a big FPS drop (-20). Is there any explanation for this?

gulag because i added some script and many unit on that town that the game is suffering from it.

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Issue : when the group reaches contact alpha point nothing happens ?

No soldiers fire, alpha doesn't move, Brdm21 doesn't come.

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I do not know why No soldiers fire, alpha doesn't move, Brdm21 doesn't come. im sory EricFr But tried to restore the mission of a new

or EricFr wait for new version the first war 1.1 comming soon

EricFr Thank you for your interest

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