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Custom loadout trouble in briefing

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I've been trying to do the following: I have a dialog in the intro that allows the player to choose what weapon loadout (Stealth, Assault) he wants to use for a singleplayer mission. That all works nicely, except for the fact that if I select the "Gear" button in the briefing, there is a good chance the unit will have the standard loadout.

I have the following in my init.sqf:

waitUntil { !isNull player };
waitUntil { player == player };

hf_Loadout = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "loadouts.sqf");

if (isNil "loadOutSelection") then {loadOutSelection = 1;};
[player, loadOutSelection] call hf_Loadout;
[west1_2, loadOutSelection] call hf_Loadout;
[west1_3, loadOutSelection] call hf_Loadout;
[west1_4, loadOutSelection] call hf_Loadout;

[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

loadouts.sqf contains code that switches the loadouts , while loadOutSelection come from the dialog in the intro. If I add a "sleep 1" before the 'call hf_Loadout', I get all the correct loadouts during the missiong, but for one thing I have a visible switch (i.e. you get an M4 and suddenly switch to, say, an MP5), plus you don't get to see the loadout during the briefing, meaning you cannot customize it further.

Any hints on this? After searching the forum I am starting to think this is not possible at all.

~~~ Alwarren.

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I would like an answer to this too. In my mission, there are a couple of units who execute an .sqs file in their init lines, the .sqs files change the loadout of the units. This works fine but when I add a briefing to the mission, the units start with default weapons.

I have no idea wether the .sqs files are not executed at all or if they are overridden by briefing defaults.

Thanks in advance,


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