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Wakarima Zen

How to make the "FREGATA" and "Destroyer" playable and with weapons?

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i saw this ships in the editor and it would be cool if they can also attack enemies or act on their own... and also make them playable

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possible as soon bis release all models for the modding community, the destroyer will be a days work, the frigate is a tough nut, the model is without weapons and radar right at the max polycount the game can handle, to get working weapons the model would need serious tweaking. anyways im quite sure they will be available sooner or later.

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The problem with both models is that both models are binarized and therefore cannot be opened in O2.

They also lack the interiorview and themodel.cfg doesn't have defined sections, animations or anything.

You can add a new config and add weapons, but they won't work, because you won't be able to make them turn, elevate or fire.

The most you could do is make the ships move and add scripts to them.

Well, I have an addon version of the ANZAC frigate for my personal use that uses Mando Missiles (Torpedoes, ESSMs and Harpoons) and that can attach a helicopter, refuel it and launch it again.

If, and I say IF and not when, BIS releases the frigate and destroyer MLODs you could load them in O2, create a working model.cfg, define all sections, animations, etc and get them working ingame.

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