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Arresting gear for carrier landings

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v1.02 update info: Reworked for better performance. Simplified, only one object needed now. Everyting is now local to the script. Simplified test mission. Fixed typos.

v1.01 update info: Fixed bug that caused the plane to stop immediately when landing negative along the y axis.


Hello guys!

I've made a script that you can add to your missions if you want to simulate arresting gear when landing on a carrier.

The script works on any carrier, the Utes one or a spawned one.

It also works if the carrier is moving, as long as the 3 objects move along with it. There are no visible cables or hooks but any plane that lands will come to a halt in a somewhat realistic way.


To play the testmission

Unzip "Arrestinggear_Test.utes" folder into /My documents/Arma 2 Other profiles/*PLAYER NAME*/Missions

Load in editor.


To implement in your mission

Unzip Arrestinggear.sqf to your missionfolder.

Iniziate the script by putting this line in your init.sqf or in any initfield:

call {[] execVM "Arrestinggear.sqf";};

Place an object on the map named "cables" where you want the center of the cables to be.

Make sure azimut/direction is the same for the object as the carrier runway.

If you want a custom sound at touchdown see the readme for instructions.


Download v1.02



Additional info

I have made it easy to modify the cable area size and the brakeing sequence in the script file.

You can choose if you want to be able to land from both directions or just one.

Make sure you read the readme file!

Feel free to put the script out there and put it to use however you want. Comments, feedback and bug reporting are welcome of course.

Edited by Crazyfox
Updated to v1.02

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Ok updated again.

Make sure you use this version.

If there are no bugs or requests I think this one is finished.

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first off I realize this is an old post, and it relates directly to the discussion.

Does this script still exist. The links on A-holic do not work for me, and the one above says file not found. I could really use this script as the nimitz arresting gear system breaks for multiple aircraft on a dedi server. So this script would be great. If anyone would like to reupload and share this fine work again, please post the link here.

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I guess being on the mac had something to do with it. Now I am on windows and it worked, probably should have tried that first.


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