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Artillery Question

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I have been searching for a couple hours now, here and armaholic and i cant find anything. I guess i dont know how to use the search tool because anytime i tell it to search for a certain topic i always come up with 100 pages of nothing that i want...

All i need is some artillery strikes at a certain spot. actually a few spots, maybe 3 or 4. they can hit at the same time, or at different times it really doesnt matter. I want it activated by a trigger, so when a BLUFOR gets into a zone, ill type in some text, and the artillery went start shooting at 3-4 places around them for a certain amount of time.

Do i need to place actual artillery guns manned by AI, can i do it virtually. I have looked for scripts,modules and such cause i know there is one out there. but most of the things i have found require that you tell them where to hit, and i just want them to hit automatically. sorry if this is a dumb question. and thank you to who ever helps.

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Is there really not a way to just have artillery shells to be dropped at a certain location when a man walks through a trigger?

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There is, just a matter of finding someone that knows how, since there is an artillery script in A2 it would be possible to call it in via the trigger, just a matter of finding out the commands.

When I get home I'll have a look into it.

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Use this one. put this in the on act in the trigger. then first you set up a real arty battery, of 3 D-30 in a groupe. Then you set the group leader to sync whit the arty module. name the arty module _myBattery or what you want.

the trigger is eg setup to be trigger by bluefor

then just fill in the missing thing in the code below.

If (isServer) then {[_myBattery, true] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetShellSpawn;[_myBattery, 100] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion;[_myBattery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;}

If you cant find out of it. Ill post the wright way in a couple of days when i get back to my pc.

you can set it up whit morters aswell and you can fire off ALL sort of amunition.

Edited by Ringhejm
just a change

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this is gonna be a dumb example. but could you give me an example of this section....

_myBattery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] what do i actually put in there. and thanks for all this. very much.

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this is gonna be a dumb example. but could you give me an example of this section....

_myBattery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] what do i actually put in there. and thanks for all this. very much.

Well it lookes something like this.

This is for a A arty module called Arty

it fires 30 HE shell in a radius of 300 from the place where it was triggert

I lett the shell be spawn because it gives a better FPS. ( I do have a real arty Bat, sync to the arty module ) You can just copy paste this part.

I f you want WP instead of HE you just change that.

If you want less than 30 shells you just change that.

If you want the name of the module to be something eles, you just change that.

if (isServer) then {[Arty, true] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetShellSpawn; [Arty, 300] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion; [Arty, getPOSASL (thisList select 0), [""IMMEDIATE"", ""HE"", 0, 30]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;}

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Ok i did 3 M119's with an artillery module called Arty, i set up a trigger that is activated by Bluefor, and but the code in the "on Activation" part of the trigger, anytime i hit enter though i am getting a error that is just blank so i dont know what is wrong to fix this.

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i actually watched it this morning. i did exactly everything i saw. step by step. triple checked everything. im still coming up with an error that is blank. no idea why.

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