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has there been any news or information about the BI sample models for Arma2. or am i missing something here?:confused:

Edited by Haystack15
Pufu Anger on Title

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has there been any news or information about the BI sample models for Arma2. or am i missing something here?:confused:

Let me share my thoughts with you:

1. ArmA1 MLODS have been released to the community after they have been reversed engineered by someone from the very same community, and BIS decided it would be wiser to just release them (in a proper way), rather than having some RE version beeing used...Remember the first step was the release of Samples (Island, Units, etc)

2. No one said (official statement is what i am talking about), that they (BIS) will release MLODS for A2. And in the end, why should they? ArmA1 MLODS works just fine, minus some RVMAT changes (which have been covered on those forums), and some new bones, they work alright.

Plus, afaik, BIS have did it differently this time, and they bought models from 3rd party devs, and i guess the contract between them does not cover free MLODs as well...

3. It would be nice from them to have a similar sample as the soldier they have already released made available for the community (some small island, some tank or alike etc, or at least the .cfg better documented)...

That doesn't mean it is a high prio for them (thinking about the OA expansion being developed etc), or that they would...

SO, i wouldn't be holding my breath here...

PS: Learn to use proper Topic Titles for crying out loud!!!.. The "would you..." type of crap doesn't work to well FFS. It takes the same amount of time in the end, without pissing ppl off who might be willing otherwise to reply to your question....

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PS: Learn to use proper Topic Titles for crying out loud!!!.. The "would you..." type of crap doesn't work to well FFS. It takes the same amount of time in the end, without pissing ppl off who might be willing otherwise to reply to your question....

Well ppl like you just coming in out of nowhere start postings internet profane terms such as "FFS" and "Pissing". That does not work well also, you do not see any such word in my post. All you have to say is Please start posting the full question so people can understand it better. Note no Profane language has been used. "But sorry I will try not to do that next time ;)"

2. No one said (official statement is what i am talking about), that they (BIS) will release MLODS for A2. And in the end, why should they?

Well they should because Arma 1 MLOD's does not have the


Utility truck


2S6M Tunguska










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Well they should because Arma 1 MLOD's does not have the


Utility truck


2S6M Tunguska










You can find all the info you need to create any of these vehicles, in fact some were in Arma, but built by the community.. BIS released the Arma MLODs because they were forced to, that's not the same as doing it by choice.. And if BIS did buy the models for Arma2, as suggested by pufu, they may not have the right to release them. We should consider ourselves lucky that BIS even release tools to create content - not be demanding more and more from them.

I felt that Arma2 needed a map with a large urban and industrial area, I didn't go whining about the lack of such a map, I got the tools and started to build it. If you feel these vehicles need MLODs released, you could always build and release your own.. Or wait and see what happens after OA is released, and the BIS guys have a little more time available for such things.

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Well they should because Arma 1 MLOD's does not have the


Utility truck


2S6M Tunguska










So what? You would need the mlods for what?

Retexs are already possible, changing the models, well, not really, but you can always try and create your own

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So what? You would need the mlods for what?

Retexs are already possible, changing the models, well, not really, but you can always try and create your own

Thats what im more than likely going to do is retexture them. Modeling them is somthing my friend MaxMaker3D can do. Being that the O2 program lacks a UI and tool set im used to. Thanks for the information thought :rolleyes:

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