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Is there a unit skin tutorial anywhere like this?

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I have been wanting to create some reskins for this game but i cannot find a properly detailed tutorial to do this, i have some knowledge on where to start, so let me tell you what i know so you dont have to ask.

I know how to extract pbo files and how to zip them back up, and i have photoshop cs4, i know how to use photoshop abit, but im no pro, i also have the official tools that were released, but i was seeing reskins for this game before the tools even came out, so does that mean i dont even need them?

I frequently visit the company of heroes relic forums also, and i found this nice tutorial with pictures someone made on how to do this,

link here http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=235124

Is it possible for me to just use that tutorial ? do the same things apply in arma 2? i'm assuming the photoshop work is very similar but when it comes to configs, and other stuff in the pbo i have no clue, anyways, i figured maybe someone here can help a newb modder out, it would be greatly appreciated

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Not sure, I'd be interested in that too though :D

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