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So how are you playing online today?

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I got ADSL to be able to play OFP online! Call me crazy but it was one of the main reasons I choosed to upgrade from ISDN. Until now I have been online 3-4 times, they were all a disaster. The last time it was a really weird x-files like map where everybody got to fly a plane, heli or a tank. I think it was a death match map. Anyway.. it lagged so much, I quit playing after less than an hour. Was not fun anyway, but I was on ADSL then, not running anything else in the background that used the connection. Even when I moved on the ground, it lagged. Even when only 1 heli was in the air.

So I was so frustrated about this, I put OFP away.

Now, OFP has grown and matured -quite a bit-, to say the least! There are mods out now, and great missions and campaigns. Am looking forward to the Resistance expansion although it means I finally have to do a more expensive upgrade (CPU, motherboard, hard drive, graphics card, DDR RAM... have just got a Logitech Dual Optical and ordrered a Func pad so that bit is done).

So, how are you playing MP now, today? Just need a few answers to get the picture. Bandwidth, servers, teamplay, the usual wink.gif Flame me if you want, have not posted much here lately anyway and I have not paid much attention to the OFP scene in a while although I have a site (shame on me, I know, am trying to pick up again).

What about the net code, I know CM are going to replace it, but I have never seen a date, neither month nor year. They do not have all the time in the world after all, and I am interested to know how good the new code will get. But this is not a question I need anyone to answer right now, as I know there will be a while until it comes out anyway. Am not in a hurry.

Thanks in advance and keep playing and have fun.


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I just joined a squad, alot easier finding guys to play and it's easier to get better when you keep playing w/the same group wink.gif

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I only breifly read thru your post but it sounds familiar to what i have experienced ...........i had 512k cable 128k upload

and i host regular on Gamespy e.t.c  and with about 10 ppl it lagged to death so i heard about the new NTL 1MBPS package for only an extra 25Ša month decided to give it a go [solely for OFP]   and i must say that its a shame that OFP netcode needs such a powerful connection now i have to pay 50 Ša month for a 1MBPS connection just so i can experience lag free 12 player OFP Capture the Flag   confused.gif

Regards..... 3dom

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Hey Hidden, listen I have an ADSL connection too, but i actualy know why you say that it still lags. There are couple of reasons for that.

1) If the server is slow and has bad connection

2) If at least someone in the game has bad connection like 56k, etc...

Cos i have been in that kinda stuff to. Try to search for people that have ping at least under 150 and lower. Oh by the way u can use GameSpy, a very good program for online gaming. Hope that's enough info, later! biggrin.gif

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The All-Seeing Eye is the best server searching program for OFP and for many other games. It finds all OFP servers and it even shows in which country the server is.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (N.o.R.S.u @ Mar. 30 2002,22:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The All-Seeing Eye is the best server searching program for OFP and for many other games. It finds all OFP servers and it even shows in which country the server is.<span id='postcolor'>

This guy is right GAME SPY sucks!!! LOL

It is the worst with its ads and crap. Oh man I used to love the days in Novalogics DFLW. Man no ads, and they had thier own dedicated servers, drop in joining in progress, smooth framerates all the time. lol Too bad the game sucks.

We (USMC) Had a server in DFLW as a nostalgic get together tonight. Man it was funny So different after playing this game for the past what.. Close to a year, since the demmo?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The All-Seeing Eye is the best server searching program for OFP and for many other games. It finds all OFP servers and it even shows in which country the server is.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah guys u r right, this program is much better than the damn Game Spy with dosens of advertisments. Thanks for telling about the All-Seeing Eye, great stuff! biggrin.gif

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I gave up lamespy soon as i heard about ASE..

great program, I love the Wating for players/Game in progress filters..

so you dont have to wait 30 mins in a game sometimes..

great program smile.gif

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