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OPFOR not present trigger not working in an airstrike

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OK, this makes no sense to me. Maybe you guys can figure this out. I searched and haven't found a reference to it. I have a OPFOR not present trigger over an enemy stronghold. If I take my team in and shoot everyone dead the trigger works fine. But, If I call in an airstrike through SOM and blow the whole building away, the OPFOR not present trigger will not activate even though there are no OPFOR present. Really weird.

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Did you confirm that the bomb actually killed them? Sadly, the splash damage is not realistic, so a building will protect them even if it collapses all around them.

Try this:

Trigger: OPFOR not present ,once


this || ((damage(nearestBuilding (thislist select 0))) > 0.6)

On Act:

{_x setDamage 1} forEach thislist;

The trigger will work if they are all killed as normal, but it will also activate and kill everyone inside the trigger zone when the building is more than 60% destroyed to simulate the bomb killing everyone like its supposed to.

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I have the same problem, it seems like the bombs or the laser(where you point) adds something that is counted as opfor.

I tried counting enemies(countSide) and if count = 1 then trigger works, so it is confirmed CAS somehow adds a opfor "unit".

Here's my thread about it:


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tcp, I will try that, thanks for the suggestion.

JW Custom, Yes that's exactly the problem I am having. For some reason the airstrike with the laser designator is definitely causing the issue of the trigger not working. I have tried it at least 20 times and made sure everyone is dead. Its a small area trigger just one building 25 X 35. If you kill them in any other way it works fine. If you find a solution, please post it.

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JW Custom, Yes that's exactly the problem I am having. For some reason the airstrike with the laser designator is definitely causing the issue of the trigger not working. I have tried it at least 20 times and made sure everyone is dead. Its a small area trigger just one building 25 X 35. If you kill them in any other way it works fine. If you find a solution, please post it.

I have a few solutions, but they are far from optimal:

1). count opfor units(countSide or countEnemy) and check if count = 1 but then if your not using CAS(inside trigger area) but manully kill the opfor the trigger will go off when there's 1 opfor left.

2). Check for units alive in groups. This can be annoying if you spawn random units as you have keep track of all spanwed groups.

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