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Checking previous misison ending in scripts

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I've searched the forum but didn't really come up with an answer to this.

Suppose I make a campaign and use on of the different end triggers (End #1, End #2 etc). Is there any way I can check what Ending the previous misison had? I know that a campaign can "branch" based on the endings, but in this case I'd just like to know whether a certain set of units was destroyed in an earlier mission or not, so that the units might or might not appear in the follow-up mission.

Help greatly appreciated :)

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This or this might help you.

And if you're looking for a campaign tutorial on how to use the different endings check my post here.

Hope it helps!

It does. Exactly what I was looking for, I wasn't aware you could save things like that, but then, I should have guessed since Resistance did it as well.

Thanks a lot :)

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