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It's a vehicle! It's a man! It's... I have absolutely no idea what the heck it is!!!

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So here's the simple question:

Given an unknown unit, how can we determine whether it's on foot? (I.e. Is it a vehicle or a man?)

Now some details:

So I've got a "fired" eventhandler set up. I get the shooter like this:

_shooter = _this select 0;

The next thing I need to do is to determine whether the unit is on foot, which I've always done like this:

_onFoot = false;
if ( _shooter == (vehicle _shooter) ) then
onFoot = true;

IIRC, this used to work like a charm, but apparently not any more! :confused:

When I do hints and check the values of _shooter and (vehicle _shooter), they are always the same value, regardless of if the firing unit is actually on foot or not!

I tried using (crew _shooter), but that returns a single unit when the unit is on foot, and thus would be ambiguous as well. (_shooter in _shooter) does not work as advertised either. It reports true no matter if on foot or in a vehicle.

I even tried assignedVehicleRole, as in:

_onFoot = false;
if ( (count ((assignedVehicleRole _shooter) select 1)) > 0 ) then
_onFoot = true;

which works (only gunners report a turret), but after thinking on it a bit, it's just as ambiguous as the others, because it could be a footman assigned to a gun position but be waiting on foot outside the vehicle (i.e. using orderGetIn false). :eek:

...As I've typed all this it finally dawned on me what I can use in my particular case. Tested it and it works in every case I can some up with (including a vehicle with an empty driver seat):

_onFoot = false;
if ( (driver _shooter) == _shooter ) then
_onFoot = true;

This works in my case because I know the unit fired and is thus not a driver. (Recall that I got the _shooter from a fired eventhandler.) However, I am still scratching my head on this though... :confused:

What if we simply need to determine whether an arbitrary unit is a vehicle or on foot?

Now that I've gone into all this detail, I have a feeling someone is gonna dazzle me with just how simple this really is. :)


Hmmmm... It appears I've just dazzled myself:

_onFoot = false;
if (_shooter isKindOf "Man") then
_onFoot = true;

Hope this helps someone out. :)

Edited by MadRussian

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Yes, you can use isKindOf "Man"...

If you want to find out the other way if its a vehicle, do this:

if ( (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "LandVehicle" OR (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Air") then {

_vcl = vehicle _unit;


When you use the units _grp command you'll get everyone so you need to check their vehicle.

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