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WGL missions and game modes (WGL-CTI)

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recently I have been looking for alternatives of Armed Assault and ARMA 2. While doing so, I have discovered the good old game of Operation Flashpoint: Resistance. How I could have missed this game in the beginning of this decade I do not know, my guess is that my studies and my crappy computer came between me and a good realistic mission.

Of course, my eyes have fallen also on the VBS equivalent of the game, for it is very customizable. However, not only it seems that it is either very expensive or illegal to obtain the program with a decent package of units, it is not very well suited for internet play either. Also, for some reason, there are no free modifications, addons, or expansions packs availible on the internet, so it might be a very thin experience to stick with the core islands and units.

Thus, I have decided to stick with OPF and went on my mission to pimp up that good old game. It is the same graphical engine, after all, most bugs are ironed out. In my humble opinion, pimped up versions of OPF:R look very decent for a 10 year old game, and there are plenty of third party contributions ready to be tested out. Heck, there is even a plugin for mumble.

In the last days I have struggled to collect some decent mods for this game. And indeed, I have found some very refreshing game modes, maps, and graphical add ons, most notably the famous predessor to the A.C.E. mod of Armed Assault: War Games League, or WGL in short.

I was lucky enough to find the basic package and all the optional files for the mod. However, what I lack a functional missions, most importantly the crCTI missions (capture the island) for WGL. I have mfCTI and crCTI, but I simply lack the WGL version of crCTI, and, of course, the required addons. Also, other missions for WGL are of interest to me, for the data on the WGL homepag is incomplete.

Could anyone help me out? Is there any active OPF/WGL community left? Does anyone have those files on an old CD? Or is anyone else interested in getting this thing working? I could imagine that a 9 vs 9 capture the island game in WGL could be a very thrilling experience.

Are the other game modes I should know about?



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There are no longer any WGL-CTI resources around, I don't think it became very popular. Now DVD & BWMod-CTI are what's being played. You can still find regular WGL-Coops, A&D, C&H, CTF, DM, EWE & PVP. Here are some mission packs to get you started:


Some active Downloads can still be found here:


Also there are several servers still running WGL

CiA: http://www.ciahome.net/

Cossacks: http://ofp.org.ua/

KGW CFOG: http://cfog.pl/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4

**Edit: I looked through my WGL mission collection and I did find I have some WGL_CTI missions, mostly zscti from the old Zeus server. PM me if you're interested in them.

Edited by Zulu1

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