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Secret helicopter base

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I just finished the black op mission to destroy the chopper base. I got my team, told them to wait by the extraction point, then went into base alone. I stole the hind that faces the other three, took out the two left on the ground and the one that got into the air with at6 missles. I then made a made dash to the extraction point and ejected from the hind. The fourth hind fell to the ground in a fiery ball of twisted metal, yet I only get credit for killing three hinds. I think this is really unfair, it shouldnt matter if I destroy it by crashing it or by killing it, the point is it is no longer functioning!!!!

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Are you sure you had destroyed the two Hinds in the ground? Sometime they are just bouncing away, then turn upsided down, but not destroyed.

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i stole a hind and wiped out half the Soviet army and my score was only about 2000- ihad two full pages listing all my kills

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Yeah, i killed the three hinds and got credit for them, but i didn't get credit for destroying the one that I let fall out of the sky when I ejected.

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You didn't destroyed the fourth Hind yourself since it crash on the ground !

The same thing will happen if you ask one of your team member to destroy something, you will not get credit for that !

Something similar happen to me in the mission where you have to blow three shilka.

I place a statchel charge next to the first and blow it, i approach the second shilka (the one on the road) i killed the crew members next to it and take the gunner position, about ten second later a Hind was coming at me, so i start shooting but the Hind got me first and he destroy the shilka, the third one was destroyed by one of my team member. Finally i got credit for only one kill, because the second shilka was destroyed by the Hind !

You get credit for what you really did yourself !!

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When I did this I got a -2000 score. I nailed everything I could find. But I think what did it was I took one of the hinds and then ordered my men to take the other two. The three of us assumed formation and the one enemy Hind airborne wasn't much of problem. Once we cleared the base and a few targets here and there, we landed in a field next to the extraction point. Not wanting to leave three hinds sitting there, I blew them all at the same time with my three sachel charges, I think the game assigned these choppers as friendly units once I took it over, though it was not listed as a friendly kill. No other idea comes to mind why I'd have a negative score.

Incidentally, I was unable to get my guys to land. So here I am on the ground with 3 guys in 2 choppers hovering over me in "V" formation. What to do, what to do, ah ####, "All, eject!". Three chutes and two choppers that survived a 100 foot fall. That's when I blew them all up. And I just woundn't be me if I hadn't picked an LZ with a bunch of Infantry hiding in the woods. They almost got us.

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I was pretty pissed off when i got to the base and one hind took off and just hovered there through the whole mission for some weird reason. Anyway, i placed satchels under the other 3 and when i detonated them one of the blown up Hinds flew up into the air, collided with the still hovering chopper and took it out as well.

It is pretty crap you dont get credit for it seeing as i.....ahhh........planned it and all:)

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