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Starting Formation

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How do I change the formation of units that start the mission "In Formation"? By default they are all in a "wedge", where I would like them to start in a "column".

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They will move to their first waypoint in whatever formation is set on that waypoint.

However, try this in the init line:

(group this) setFormation "LINE";


[group this,0] setWaypointFormation "LINE";

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If you don't want to use waypoints, use this:


In order for them to actually start in position, though, you will have to set them to "none" in the editor (rather than "in formation"), and set their positions manually so they are more or less in formation already, and thus they won't move much once the mission starts, and most importantly - will not start at where the default wedge formation places them (which may end up on a roof or in other bad spots if you don't pay attention, as the actual starting position isn't shown on the map when you set it to "in formation").

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I see, so I just need to bring up the unit menu and type in the script? Do I need to manually group them together?

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They need to be grouped to move in any kind of formation. If you want them to go into formation add the command in the init line of the unit. Keep in mind though I'm not sure how this command works with locality issues, so someone who joins the server later on and executes the init line again may mess it up, so you may want to do if (local this) then {group this setFormation "COLUMN"}; to prevent JIP players from changing the formation.

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Okay, understood, thank you for your help. I'll come back here if I have any more issues.

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