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Help me please....in Dogs of War

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Hi Gents

I'm now worried DOW might be going "Tits up" on me?????

I'm playing with CDF and NAPA combined and we are storming all over the map taking town at ease

Yet I've noticed when I get to a town with my guys the progress bar to capture that town is not appearing so I'm standing around doing nothing for ages, I'm in Chenagodz (spelling) now and the town is all my men with some NAPA wondering about but it still gives me the capture task and I'm standing by HQ with all strong points taken

I'm tempted to wonder off and keep picking off towns but whats worrying me is reading some DOW threads I've noticed Shaftoe is meant to be in touch after Chenagodz and I get some USM units to control, by wandering on to another town am I going to miss this?

I'm also worried the mission is bugged as I've had no prisoner task and 70% of the map is taken by Blue or Green

Any feedback? Is it broke do you think or do I just need to hang around until I take the town and Shaftoe pipes up? Please help as I'm in limbo not knowing whether to carry on or restart - bloody hope not! :mad:


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Cuzer i have had this problem to many times that i cant capture a town if NAPA also have units at the town depot. I think that even if the CDF and NAPA are allied they will still "compete" for the same towns.

I dont know if there is a solution for this except to take chernogorsk before

the NAPA boys get there.

possible solutions from the BHI's side would be to either:

remove the task of capturing Chernogorsk from NAPA when they player plays the CDF storyline or the opposite.

to activate the Shaftoe/MEU trigger no matter if CDF or NAPA takes Chernogorsk as long as they are allied.

or to make the players presence to override NAPA/CDF presence and thus allowing the player to capture it and allow MEU reinforcements.

about the prisoner i didnt have that one the first time i played DOW in the CDF storyline but i have had it the other times i've played DOW.

You have to take Moglievka to get the POW transfer task. Possible if its taken by NAPA they will deal with the pow. I dont remember.

Edited by zdavid99

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  zdavid99 said:

about the prisoner i didnt have that one the first time i played DOW in the CDF storyline but i have had it the other times i've played DOW.

You have to take Moglievka to get the POW transfer task. Possible if its taken by NAPA they will deal with the pow. I dont remember.

If you didn't get the prisoner task then how did you learn about the radio tower on the island (capture lopetev mission)?

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  jeffroland said:
If you didn't get the prisoner task then how did you learn about the radio tower on the island (capture lopetev mission)?

i dont remember but i think it was from Cpt Shaftoe after taking Chernogorsk.

he will radio in and say that they heard some suspicious radio comms from that island on their way in from the Khe Sanh.

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Thanks for the replies then guys so If I've not had the prisoner mission as yet, I'll check to see if Moglievka has been taken (I'm guessing it has as 75% of the map is either blue or green) & I've not heard from Shaftoe my game is bugged and won't complete by the sounds of it? I'm so not looking forward to a restart!


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An update guys I've restarted and so far NAPA have left alone Chenorgorsk so I'm about to have a pop at that, however Moglievka is ALWAYS taken by CDF before I can get there. It comes under attack I defend it, retake strong points etc but no sign of the prisoner mission???

Will take command to keep NAPA away from Chernogorsk so hopefully I'll take that and hopefully I'll get some communication with Shaftoe - great game but so bloody frustrating!


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I had exactly the same problem, captured all available towns, only chernogorsk left where already NAPA and CDF waited for caping.

After a lot of tries I discovered that you are not able to capture it if your CDF units are near it (or NAPA dont know)

So what you do is take command of the battlefield and send all units which are at chernogorsk away (to the next town for example). There should still be some units there (which are from the other faction and you cant control).

I dont know if its necessary, but I left too (drove back to main base) and a few moments after that, it was captured.

(I now have the lopotev mission but its bugged to the extreme, I killed all the guards and wounded him but they are just flickering like hell and he cant respond :/ )

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I got the Lopotev info from the prisoner hand over and now I'm on the island, have removed all but two guards, but now the game crashes completely and shuts down with the Microsoft bug report window.

I have played the whole game through again since updating to version 1.04 and up until now had not had any serious problems. However now I cannot go passed this point. It just crashes every time after 30 or 04 seconds of entering the mission at the save point.

I've had to give up on it. It's a real shame as when I played it through with version 1.03, everything worked fine. The only difference is that now it's dark and before it was day time.

Also I captured Chernogorst and the other towns on the coast and didn't hear from Shaftoe.

A shame as this bug is a real show stopper.



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God don't say that Luke I'm about to emabark now on capturing Chernogost and hope Shaftoe pipes up as I've had no info on the prisoner so far. When does he normally radio in, does anybody know? Is it straight away?



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  Cuzer said:

When does he normally radio in, does anybody know? Is it straight away?



Shaftoe or the POW? Shaftoe will Radio in quite shortly after you get the message from HQ that Chernogorsk.

The same goes for the POW you will get a radio call from "Don" that they have takena a POW in Moglievka a few minutes after you have taken it.

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Well gents - some progress! I took Chernogorsk, my tanks picked off the re-spawning APC's I had called in NAPA for some numbers and then sent them away, I got the Chernogorsk captured message and sure enough Shaftoe radioed me - PROGRESS!

I went to see the boys on the beach and lo and behold it crashed! lol

At least I've got a save (I hope) with Shaftoe radio'd in so I can carry on, it can be done just send all NAPA units away from the town


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So - all in all - it does and can work but there are loads of bugs to catch you out and this is in 1.04


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Yep, that how it played out for me. As soon as i captured Moglievka I got the radio message from Don to get the prisoner and a new Deliver prisoner task was created.

When I delivered the prisoner to Lt Marny at HQ he said that the prisoner told him about the communications tower on the island.

It was after that that I took all the towns on the coast but I didn't get a radio message from Shaftoe.

I did get the message when I previously played the mission but I didn't take any notice if it was before or after the prisoner task.

Anyway I'm now stuck because the game crashes when trying to complete the Island task.

I would like to hear from ofthers playing with V1.04 if they have come across any serious crashing bugs when completing the Island task or other tasks.

Cuzer, I hope it works OK for you.

I think that it may have something to do with what the AI is doing in the background at this time.

I'm going to start this mission again but let the AI command and see what happens.

I'm getting quite good at this mission now as I have played it about 8 times.

Previouslt with 1.03, it took me about 6 tries before I understood enough the mission to complete it. However I did not come across such a serious bug.

It may just have been that the order things were happening were different then.

Who knows?

It would be great if BI could say if they were debugging the single player missions.



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Hi guys,

I don't have NAPA and the CDF allied, so taking towns is proving to be a losing battle as they are swamping all over me and my base. My problem is now though:

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Nope, not found any bases yet. I hoped the Lopotev series of missions would end?

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  deathUK said:
Nope, not found any bases yet. I hoped the Lopotev series of missions would end?

no you still have to destroy the Chedaki base before you get mission success,

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Hmmm more interesting progress, the first time I delivered Lopoteve the Spet Naz open fire and I killed all of them bar one when I got the radio com saying we had cleared the area (when we hadn't) and the Dealing with the Russians complete came up on the screen, the Spet Naz then took out 4 and I had to revert, when I reverted I never got the Deal with the Russians completed or the radio chat about clearing the area, although this time I have I'm running around all the Spet Naz dead bodies. 3 has still gone AWOL, he just ran off when I left the chopper although he is standing still now but won't come back to me

What triggers the "dealing with the russians" completion, does anybody know? The truck with Lopotev in just sat there whilst the fire fight was going on but he's now ventured off to the Russians, should this trigger the Dealing with the Russians complete?

I presume now I go back to base and try to take the other towns and then Chedaki main base?

One other question if I fly a chopper over an enemy town will they automatically open fire on targets, I'm awful at flying and don't want to really fly the chopper but need air support on some towns



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Hi Cuzer,

The deliver Lopotev part was badly bugged in version 1.03 and I was hoping to see how that was working in V1.04 when I got stuck by the island bug that crashed the game.

I am going to start the mission again and hopefully won't experience the bug this time.

The deal with the Russians task ends after all the Spetnatz have been dispatched and the Russian guy comes up to you and identifies the body of the blond soldier.

You don't need to take all the towns but you have to find and destroy the main Chedaki base to complete the mission.

I found that nothing happend by going back to HQ but it was useful to get healed and rearm.

Building Helicopter gunships is a waste of money as they will get shot down as soon as they fly over an enemy town, however they are a quick but expensive way of finding the enemy towns.



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Just for info, I redid badlands to get the NAPA and CDF working together and now Dogs of War is a completely different mission! Without any alliance, you start in the middle, with missions to get both bases and people coming at you from both sides. This might explain some other confusion about what stage people are at with the mission.

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Hmmm Luke I'm worried now as I never got the chat about The Russians blonde guy or the mission "Dealing with the russians" being complete yet all spetnatz are dead and the truck has gone off to the Russian base, will I be able to finish the mission if this doesn't happen do you know?


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  Cuzer said:
Hmmm Luke I'm worried now as I never got the chat about The Russians blonde guy or the mission "Dealing with the russians" being complete yet all spetnatz are dead and the truck has gone off to the Russian base, will I be able to finish the mission if this doesn't happen do you know?


be patient it can take quite a while for the game to realize

that you have completed "Dealing with the Russians".

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Ah thanks Zdavid I'll just go about my business then and hope the game realises! It just came up straight away before they toasted "4" so was expecting it to happen again immediately

Will have a pop at the Chedaki base now then me thinks, will keep you posted if anything develops


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