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New poster new player - question on single player mode

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Before I go online and shoot my team-mates in the head (by accident of course) I would like to practice on solo mode. I've tried the campaign and the scenerio's but really long for maps where I can fly my men in a helo to the battle and bring them back out the same way. In single play I can't seem to find any access to helos anywhere. Also tried creating a multiplayer map in LAN mode, but no helo's. Any suggestions on how a single player gets access to these itmes? I've not even opened the map editor yet but really don't want to spend the time to learn it either. Thanks

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Well... :)

First off you have the armory which you can use to try stuff out including planes and choppers. But you have to use various weapons and vehicles to unlock more weapons and vehicles but if you play it long enough, you'll unlock everything and that is part of the fun. There is however a cheat code which you can just enter and it unlocks them all, but I can't remember what that is. The armory only lets you fly around on a boring map though with not really much to do. It gives you generic objectives like turn 180 degrees or escape some bad guys and whatnot but it's not very good imo.

What you really should do, is get to grips with the editor. It really isn't as complex as you may think. I didn't want to have to learn the editor either, but I tried it briefly and in literally 2 minutes I had made my own mission....

The thing with the editor is this. It is EXTREMELY easy to do most things, but some things are trickier. The things that are tricky are things like scripting events and getting the AI to do stuff and triggering things, like when you head down a road, a plane takes off in the distance or something.

But, simply placing good guys and bad guys, with whatever equipment you want, is extremely easy. So I suggest you do what I did. Scroll around the map and look for the big main airport. Not the little one on the south coast, or the little one near the east coast, but the one more towards the centre of the map. Get it in the middle of your screen and then double click somewhere. You then get to place an object, ANY object :) So it can be a weapon or a tank or a plane or a chopper or whatever you want.

Then select "Empty" which means it will be empty so you can get in it. Put a Harrier and a chopper and a bunch of tanks and spread them out a bit. Then you can put a man to be your character. I like to put a sniper in and you set it to be "Player".

Then somewhere else, place a bunch of humvees and men and maybe a few tanks. Instead of "Empty" choose the Russians or whatever instead.

Then simply save it click to test the mission and you will load in as a sniper and then you can just go and get in whatever vehicle you want, and go and kill stuff :)

Edited by telo

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You where close but no cigar MAP EDITOR is your friend. Oh and one more thing you never stop learning. Oh the last thing search is very powerful.


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Using the editor, place a blackhawk or huey as your first unit so you're in control, then place some soldiers around you. When you start the game press spacebar to select them and choose "board vehicle". When you fly to where you want to go, land and again press spacebar but this time choose "dismount".

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Thanks for the tips guys it does sound like the editor is the way to go. Will play around with it today and someday I might see you guys online. Thanks again.

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I would reccomend to download a bunch of the awesome singleplayer missions people have made! Some are fantastic!

Also check out the editor for yourself to.

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As said before get right into the editor mate, its pretty easy to get to grips with, throw a few units in and a way you go. Once you open Pandora's box you wont look back :)

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Try downloading some user made SP missions, also get some SP warfare kicking and just play as a pilot on the russian side or something similar.

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